To Darwin..We Hardly Knew Ye..

Nov 11, 2006 10:50

I write this public entry being totally out of my mind and completely unsound at the moment..

To remember my dear friend Darwin.. RIP 03/12/84-11/10/05

When Darwin and I first met..He was a complete pervert at the ripe age of 16 near 17..

It was not long after that ..that we both butted heads and disliked each other for a period of time..

Funny thing..One day out of nowhere..we became friends. I think it was when Darwin and Brandon stopped over at my old apartment ..we all smoked..and the EV1 foam hat remained at my house till like FOREVER...

Darwin was ecentric to say the least and did not like being called his real name Andy Bob Garcia..

Darwin when he was a child suffered from cancer and survived..

His Grandmother was his mother in his eyes..his parents are not a subject we will discuss..

He although awkward in many ways had an effect on the ladies.. or some ladies I should say..LOL.. I can remember him making out with Ashley at a rave in the coat closet at Club Toyz was it? God that was years ago. He had a wall in his room in his Mom's house dedicated to ex girlfriends and girlfriends etc..He also loved getting reactions of out people..He had his door covered in Missing Children flyers for a while.. I found it to be hilarious..But I am sick and twisted like that.. Darwin was all for shocking people and not giving a fuck what they thought about him..He also would keep your dvds.. I still never got Lion King 1 1/2 or ClockWork Orange back from him..ha.

He had his hand in promotions for the "rave scene" and the boy was cut throat.. He could piss off close friends at the time like Brandon about Cardi's.. or Casey etc.. All Your Base Are Belong To Us..

Funny thing about getting mad at could never really stay mad at Darwin..

He had perfected the art of insulting someone down to their very core so it actually did cause them issues.. God I will miss that.

Some period in time.. I want to say when Darwin was 18 or 19? he found his love for drugs.. He wanted to do all of them.. and be extreme.. mix and match and do whatever...Lord knows a few times I warned him.. but over time I realized Darwin was the only person I would never bitch to about his shit because to me.. like to him.. in some ways he seemed invincible.. I always knew Darwin would be honest with what he was doing..and he respected me enough not to do certain shit right in front of me.. or around me.

He is the only person I know who could stay up for days fucked up and then go play paintball for almost an entire day.. And man..he tried to drag everyone to those games..

Since I have nosy coworkers.. I shall explain in other ways that..

Darwin was the person I allowed myself to experience my first vibey visual cool feeling with.. I had been really freaked out about trying it since I was slipped it before when I was younger..We had such wonderful evenings of doing that and I can't think of a better person to get over my fear of trying that and doing it with..He helped show me the beauty of the world in almost everything..

We would get fucked up at and or head to the House of Dischord.. I loved that place with its tilted foundation you could feel when you walked up the stairs.. and the tub in the living room..

He introduced me to things..and I took him for his first time to Last Concert Cafe with Leesa.. We had our fill of Rice Krispy Treats and Sangria that night.. Oh man..that was a longgggg night.. and everything was in slow motion..ha. In fact.. I am fuzzy on the details of the rest of the night and apparently so is Leesa..Yes were all that wasted that night. Out with Darwin and wasted? Go figure.

Darwin was always so considerate when it came to his partying there.. The certain things I did not care to be around.. being the awesome friend he was..he would make others and himself do that crap in another room then come right back in and chat with me.. He would live there and at his Mom's place.. wanting his weekends free from home.. It was his home away from home before it was condemned..We used to hang out there before going to parties.. or at the parties at the House.. we used to get drunk.. i remember leaving a bottle of tequila there..big mistake..ahahaha.. he drank it and then went n played paintball and was messed up on Lord knows what else..

The clown he was..he threw Blood all over the walls and took pics when HOD was condemned.. at first I was like wtf.. I believe it was cow's blood. Somewhere on that wall are little things I wrote to him as well as all of his friends..

I remember when people used to go on the roof and Darwin found that scenario fascinating as did he about something interesting that happened in the shower at HOD.. LOL

Darwin was minute you could piss him off..the next.. it would be like nothing happened..but at the same time.. he could hold a grudge..he was ever changing..constantly never knew what to expect with Darwin..In the same way..he could be the most caring and compassionate person..and the next second a cold hearted bastard..luckily I did not get to experience the latter of personalities much.

We would watch movies in his room at his Mom's or go out and see them..he was one of my favorite dinner dates..and he loved it if you paid..

He and I would go and find Loki together.. that drink that was like 180-220 proof.. there was this short black guy.. Darktanian i think he went by.. Darwin would send me in the room to talk to him since the guy had a thing for me to get us cheaper deals on the Loki..ha.. bastard. Meanwhile he was flirting with some Ren Fest whore or something.. They all ended up whores once he was done with them.. or just maybe when he was toying with them but his emotional interest was spent.

I have a funny picture of Darwin from a night at Rent Fest.. He was so unbelieveably fucked was fucking hilarious..laying all the ground acting like it was a and Casey took a few pics..

well fuck you Sprint..apparently they took it down.. Well its ok.. I just came across one of Darwins many photo directories.. with a SHITLOAD of photos.. I will post them when I am sane enough to look through it all without breaking down like I just did.

Darwin would stay over a few nights when I lived with my parents.. He was always so brutually honest.. I half appreciated it..half didnt like it.. He was blunt and let me have it at times..

Darwin was drama free for the most part..except for relationships.. Lord.. that boy was Girl Crazy like no other.. Or Maybe I considered him more drama free because he didnt let things get to him the way I let them get to me..

When Greg passed.. Brandons brother.. Darwin was very fucked up about it.. to him..Brandon and Greg were like his brothers.. He stayed over along with a few others at my house..we had a long discussion..and at that point.. darwin knocked over a votive candle holder i had.. spilling Candle wax all over the floor and over my computer.. Jason aka Micron had deemed a quote for him that many of us used "Fucking Darwin"..

I used it at that point.. especially when I ended up fucking up my carpet more trying to get the wax out of it..and now.. I am thankful that my computers drives are covered in wax right now..Nice Memento to remember you by..Ill stop trying to scrape it off..

I can remember going to Darwins Mom's house after he bitched about wearing the same underwear for like 3 days in a row *he hadnt been home in a few days but had other clothes just forgot underwear ahahaha*..yes yes i know.. But he took them off right there on the street.. I of course turned away.. thinking wtf is he doing.. He changed and we decided to go visit his neighbor..we walked a few feet and he lit his damn drawers on fire in the street.. and we continued to walk down the street to his neighbors house.. thats why I fondly nicknamed him Underwear Burner.. I think the name speaks for itself.

I remember when Darwin came to my superbowl party.. This guy Josh passed out wayyyyyyyyy early .. He is of course 100 lbs soaking wet.. Darwin came upon a few of my whips and starts whipping his ass while Josh was on all fours/half passed out on the ground.. Mind you it was like some sort of weird exhibitionism/dominatrix thing in front of a bunch of people watching football.. ahaha.. Then Darwin encouraged my boxer to lick his face and get involved.. and Josh started Moaning!!!!Ahahahahaha..I specifically remember someone either taking photos or videotaping and I think they used something of Darwins.. I hope that the footage or pics are found.. It would be great to see some pics of Darwin all whipping some little guy who is fucked up out of his mind...

Darwin was there for my 24th birthday.. I wish he was there for my 25th but I was here in Austin and lord knows..he would have made it a blast.

Drinking with Darwin was always fun.. He would say the craziest shit.. I have fond memories of LZ.. Richmond Arms.. trying to sneak him into bars before he turned 21.. what was that place across from Birraporetti's and Sherlocks? We went there for my 24th bday..

Darwin was one of my favorites to go out with late at night on spontaneous adventures from the corner store to out of town.. go out drinking with..and go eat with..

There were too many times I promised to go hang out with him at his Mom's and I didnt.. As a wonderful friend mentioned to me.. I could eat myself up thinking like that.. I actually remember pissing Darwin off because of it.. but he would do the same to me at times too..etc..However..this is a reminder for me to stay in touch with my friends so much more.. I have many memories of Darwin but it will never be enough..

Darwin was one of the few people in this world who knew almost all of my deepest secrets.. I trusted him.. I knew he wouldnt say shit..and to my knowledge..he never did.. He was there for me to cry on about relationships.. about how I felt about things.. I would listen to his issues..He helped open my eyes..

He introduced me to new music.. new "experiences" ways of his bare ass.. eek! Darwin was the mystery box of fun

I remember him convincing me to act like some stupid kandee kid slut on a message board and talk about what a big penis he had and it was so great..etc Because he had posted a penis pic publicly and wanted a little boost..haha

I think at times there were things I did that annoyed the fuck out of him.. and vice versa..

When Darwin got busted like a year n a half ago? was it? my timing may be off.. he slowed down on all his shit.. I believe he did cuz thats what he told me.. it doesnt mean he stopped doing all he did.. It used to piss me off when he would show me pictures of bent spoons and tell me how his Mom knew since all the spoons had disappeared in the house.. but it was his life.. He was open about what he did.. Some of the stories he would tell me about him and waking up from his little "out of it phases" where he would realize all he had done or ate.."ha" made me laugh...There was this particular one about a carton of orange juice and milk..He always wanted to see if he could HOOK a person up or if you knew anyone interested.. aha..

That boy was fearless in some ways.. and in some ways I believe it was shallow/he had lost the urge to care

Some time passed and his good friend Jack from Georgia OD'd.. Darwin was unbelieveably fucked up from that.. in some ways.. we grew a little apart because I was moving to Austin and he was getting his own place etc..

We had made plans to meet in Austin..that fell through and it was mainly my fault.. we chatted on AIM often with little quirky convos and spoke on the phone from time to time..

I had planned on Darwin visiting soon.. I told him I would contact him when I was in Houston.. stupid me I should have called him and seen him the last few times I was in Houston recently..I wanted to see him.. I was thinking to myself that it had been too long since I had experienced another Darwin adventure..Now its too late.

I will miss your blue smurf hair memories.. or your receding hairline.. How you would walk on your tip toes because of your feet..I will miss weird ways of getting into your house.. and lighting firecrackers in the backyard and pissing off your neighbors.. I will miss your weird cd collections where it could be some indie music i have never heard before and the next song would be country then rap.. I think I still have one or two of your complilations in my car..

I have left alot out.. However this is a work in progress I will continue to work on..I am still overwhelmed at this point.. But I hope for those who didnt know or knew him.. this gives you a better understanding of my friend whom I shall dearly miss ..and like I said somewhere else..

When I see you again Darwina...I will give you a hug and you better have my 20 bucks!

RIP Andy "Darwin" Garcia.. I love you and will miss you. I hope you have finally found peace and don't have anymore regrets..Lord knows you tried to live your life to the most extreme..

I shall be drinking myself with a bottle of tequila tonight in your memory of our tequila times..
Let me quote your favorite toast old friend..

There are good ships, and there are wood ships, the ships that sail the sea. But the best ships, are friendships, and may they always be.

You could say this no matter how messed up you were and say it with ease..

Now here is picture of Darwin in was hot..and one of my fondest memories.. him and Halloween.. He could work it in some boots lemme tell ya..

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