I decided to do the film one, too

Apr 20, 2007 15:48

Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite Movies.
Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks.
Have your friends guess the movie names. This is much more difficult that the T.V. one.

1. Female Nudity / Profanity / Corruption
2. Fantasy Life / Beast / Good Versus Evil
3. Magic Book / Trust / Brownie
4. Chained / Moon / No Opening Credits
5. Super Power / Kicked In The Crotch / Brotherhood
6. Servant / Passion / Gentle
7. Goddess Worship / High Priestess / Religion
8. Battle Scene / Historical / Interracial Relationship
9. Suspected Lesbian / Gay Slur / Friends Who Hate Each Other
10. Bisexual / Finger Cuffs / Lesbian Scene  Chasing Amy, guessed by

I would not be able to guess most of these. Who writes these?


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