Meetings and flowers along the path of the Tea

Jun 17, 2012 10:14

Japanese Tea Ceremony gates were open yesterday into the Japanese Garden in the Moscow Botanical Park. Hidden grace was revealed to each one presented, its beauty blossomed, these irises mystery is/was open again, though could we see through clouds these moments passing into eternity, I mean as clearly as we can see their blue and yellow little heads? And in the photo now I can see how they grow in the shape of the heart, planted in some unknown language, intuitive.

I am at the beginning of the path to the tea house here, near the stone wash basin with Japanese Tea Ceremony Master Anastasia Kudryashova(and a lecturer at the Japanese Language Department of the IASS MSU). We were talking of how children could enter the process of inner communication and adoptation to social life during the tea party - receiving and sharing. Sharing firstly with their rich and free intuition, and receiving the mystery of love, which the adults hide deep inside within daily circles and here now both sides could see each other as at the fist time. Recognition of each other as Adam meets Eve on the path and their chilndren are free and happy. Meeting whithin the circle, and it is like in the dance. Comprehention with the eyes and taste, pulse of the movements, music of colours and rippling water, meeting of behind and before.

After tea ceremony there was a Go game party with Seraphim Troitsky for me. Delicate and wise young master, he helped me to remember the forgiven paths of my mind, watered now and warmed unintentionaly. (Here is the end of our party but I will be practicing at home to meet him again in the field next year).

There are no two entrances into the Japanese tea ceremony, just one, each time it is one - yours.

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