grrr on internet explorer

Jun 22, 2004 18:30 our computer really isn't fixed...i am really ticked at the whole situation. but i wont bore you with the details of what it is and isnt and what i think is going on with it. all i will say is that my mom and i are at the Shenandoah (Newnan Center for West Georgia)in the computer lab while she does another WebCT class. i's rather frustrating, really...

anyways, i havent updated in four days...close to what i predicted. but i've been going to Grease practice the past two days...courtney there to chill with me. jacob is leaving thursday and i brought a cookie cake today that said "We'll miss you Jacob." and i called several ppl to see if they wanted to join stage crew. but on sat. and sun. my mom and i decided to finally organize the garage (we really haven't touched it since we've moved) and there's still some boxes sitting in the driveway...looks pretty tacky lol. but yeah...Grease again tomorrow and building set until 6.

but i miss my friends, and i havent really gotten to do ANYTHING with anyone lately. makes me kinda sad. bleh. and things are kinda falling out b/t me and one person, so that's kinda sad, too, but it seems like it's not really my choice. :/ but then there are those few who i've really come to appreciate through the Grease stuff lately...

anyways...father's day...kinda interesting for me. i was gonna call my dad and just tell him what i've been up to. funny thing is, i never got around to doing that on sunday, so i was gonna call today while my mom was at class, but she ended up coming home b/c she was sick and now i'm here w/ her. so i guess i may call him thursday...i dont know.

and amy and i spent a long time the other night talking about these toads that she spent a few hours catching. now she has them in a little environment deal, but they wont eat anything she puts in there. that was an interesting convo, anyways :)

i dont really have anything else to say. yeah kinda boring except the fact that i've been reading some pretty cool books lately. the current one is about this guy who took a Census on Copernicus's De Revolutionibus & it was sorta boring at first but now he's talking about Kepler and Brahe comparisons and more about actual astronomy ideas and hypotheses. it's rather interesting.

well, i hope things are going fine with everybody. hope that my liveliness in life improves soon lol.


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