Jan 29, 2007 18:20
jesus so much has gone on this past week. my opera went sooo well last weekend and there were people from the kennedy center who went which was pretty cool. i don't want it to end cuz i love just going downtown at midnight with some of my friends who were in it and hanging out with them since i never see them. so i guess i will start back to working at ae next week now :/ but come see me friday at 8 p.m. at the cultural arts center in downtown frederick. it's really funny and i'm one of the leads :D it's 5 dolla. thanks to those who came last weekend!
i also had two seizures last tuesday and my mom had to call 911 and shit. it was either because of withdrawal from xanax from that weekend or stress according to the doctor. but im going to be finding out wednesday. i don't know why other people have asked me otherwise or heard otherwise so i thought i'd mention that as well as add: DONT DO DRUGS. that was an all time low for me to be taking prescription drugs and ugh i just don't wish anything like that on anyone, especially becasue of how much it hurt my parents/family primarily. my mom has been a wreck this whole week and has been checking on me at night to make sure im still alive and i just feel so fucking stupid and bad about it all. i mean commmme onnnn, if i won't do drugs like xanax for MY own benefit then i'm not going to do them for the sake of my parents. i can't remember shit, my memory has just completely gone and i really regret it all.
and fuck those who try and fuck up other people's happiness. grow the fuck up. keep to your own business. that's all. nothing personal.
just livejournal.
just venting.
don't do drugs.