♚ pokémon roster

Oct 12, 2011 18:42

Dewott | F | Lvl 60 → Everstone
(rash - torrent)
○ Refuses to evolve; thinks Hilda will like her less if she becomes all big
○ Kind of immature and a sore loser
○ Hilda usually has to keep one arm outside of her sleeping bag so Dewott can hold her hand
(otters in real life hold hand so they won't drift apart)

[ Retaliate | Ice Beam | Swords Dance | Surf ]

Musharna | F | Lvl 59 → Destiny Knot
(quiet - synchronize)
○ Makes screeching noises to express disapproval
○ Otherwise fairly quiet, but isn't shy
○ Enjoys that moment her opponent realizes they're about to lose
○ Hilda tends to watch what's in the dream smoke as some kind of TV substitute, though it's very non-sequitur

[ Shadow Ball | Psychic | Hypnosis | Dream Eater ]

Darmanitan | F | Lvl 60 → Charcoal
(jolly - sheer force)
○ Arguably the team mom; looks after everyone
○ Enjoys hugging people but doesn't quite realize her own strength sometimes
○ Will exaggerate stories to make herself look cooler (that Hydreigon was totally level 70!!)

[ Earthquake | Hammer Arm | Fire Punch | Superpower ]

Joltik | M | Lvl 58 → Eviolite
(hardy - compoundeyes)
○ Also refuses to evolve; he knows he's cute and wants to keep the attention he gets
○ Probably the nicest fuzzbug ever
○ Very frail defenses but good at dodging attacks
○ Likes to sleep in Hilda's ponytail
○ Frequently noms on the X-transceiver's batteries

[ Electroweb | Sucker Punch | Bug Buzz | Slash ]

Sawsbuck | M | Lvl 58 → Lucky Egg
(hasty - chlorophyll)
○ The Pokémon equivalent of a snob; picky eater and a holier-than-thou attitude
○ He is, however, extremely loyal to his trainer and the rest of the team
○ Loves carrying his trainer around on his back

[ Aromatherapy | Jump Kick | Double-Edge | Horn Leech ]

Archeops | M | Lvl 50 → Flying Gem
(lonely - defeatist)
○ bros with Zekrom because they're both new to the modern world
○ thinks toilet jokes are funny
○ has a small crush on Audino... ♥

[ Earthquake | Stone Edge | Fly | Acrobatics ]


She rotates her Pokémon frequently so no one is left out.

Audino| F | Lvl 49 → Silk Scarf
(calm - regenerator)
○ likes to give people and pokémon massage
○ doesn't like getting dirty
○ oblivious to Archeop's feelings :c

[ Thunder Wave | Return | Heal Pulse | Reflect ]

Beartic| F | Lvl 49 → Nevermeltice
(brave - snow cloak)
○ was clumsy as a Cubchoo
○ perfectionist to the max
○ kuudere

[ Icicle Crash | Brick Break | Brine | Strength ]

Zekrom | N/A | Lvl 52 → Griseous Orb
(quiet - teravolt)
○ Referred to as a male for convenience
○ Isn't used often in battles since steamrolling everyone with a legendary would be unfair
○ Frequently participates in musicals and he absolutely loves it
○ Still kind of awkward with the modern world after sleeping for so long
○ Sometimes attempts to use words like 'totally' and 'homies' to sound like he's ~*in tune with the times*~ which results in his teammates laughing

[ Slash | Dragonbreath | Fusion Bolt | Zen Headbutt ]

Sawk | M | Lvl 47 → Black Belt
(adamant - sturdy)
○ devoted to training
○ surprisingly gentle outside of battles

[ Retaliate | Close Combat | Poison Jab | Bulk Up ]

Whimsicott "Fluffee" | F | Lvl 34 → Mystic Seed
(modest - prankster)

[Toxic | Energy Ball | Leech Seed Double Team ]

Swadloon | M | Lvl 26 → Soothe Bell
(rash - chlorophyll)

Larvesta | F | Lvl 12 → N/A
(impish - flame body)
○ the baby of the team
○ sees Joltik as competition for attention
○ very affectionate
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