Ok, good things... Well I watched Tacchon's appearance on Tokyo Friends Park 2 with the Utahime cast today. HE'S SO ADORABLE OMG. And my mum and I decided that he's now 180 years old. She came in the room while it was on and took an interest in Nagase, asking how tall he was because he was towering over all the girls as he does, and the conversation went like this:
Me: Well the guy in white is around 180--
Mum: 180?! God, those Japanese boys really keep their youth.
Me: ... xD
And so Tacchon is now 180. lol
I also watched the movie
KIDS (I can count that because it was technically this morning) which was.. intense.. I want to watch it again because I feel like I didn't really take it all in last night... It's like... Argh, I don't even know how to describe it. It's a really painful movie, I guess I can say that. And both leads were absolutely amazing in their respective roles. I honestly never knew Koike Teppei could act so well. Just remembering his performance now is getting me teary... And the sheer impact of his figure in the climax is practically etched in my mind... Dammit, this movie is driving me crazy; I have to see it again. >_<;
as;lsdjsdjf HOLY SHIT I JUST GOT THE TITLE. In Japanese, "kids" is pronounced "kizu," which is the word for "wounds," which goes with the movie SO well. Oh wow... *is overwhelmed*
So yeah, that's all. ...I really need to see that movie again. ._.;