Happy Easter everyone! ♥
I know I'm really late (like always), but I always seem to have to do things at my own pace. I am so マイペース. XD;
But I hope you all had great holidays. =)
Mine was pretty much filled with chocolate, cosplay and Psychology homework. Which are all pretty good things especially the cosplay!
And my mum even managed to make Easter some way Japanese by buying me that Hello Kitty tin. :D It's really cute and filled with marshmallows! XD And the Hello Kitty on the front is like Gothic Lolita, so it's even more special. :D
We also had hot cross buns, one of my favourite parts of Easter. =)
And I found this cool:
My little sister drew a chibi Uruha on my kanji game.
I think it's adorable. XD;
And sorry for the barrage of photos, but I just got a new (camera) phone and am really enjoying taking pics of, well, pretty much everything. XD;
So I'm going to try and post a pic every entry now~
Wish me luck! X3
And I'll be replying to all your other comments really soon!