I'm not sure how this is going to work exactly, but I guess there's no harm in trying... It would be interesting to say the least.
New Year Meme (taken from
Want to say once and for all that something's been annoying you? Are you upset about something? Do you want to tell 2007 to suck your ass/balls/virgin hate? Want to talk about someone, but can't do it to their face? Want to talk to me? Now's your chance. Here's how it works:
1. Reply to this post [or send me a private message] telling me something you need to get off your chest. It can be about anyone or anything, you can name names, you can reflect or wax eloquent, rant, bitch, rave...anything you feel like you'd be better without in the New Year.
2. Comments are, as a rule, screened. So, this is just between you and me.
3. I will make no replies to anything anyone says, as this would serve to just perpetuate whatever it is into the New Year, which kind of...defeats the point.
4. Just because this is something meant mostly for catharsis doesn't mean you can't say something nice, or confess something, or whatever--whatever you feel would be best left in last year, or, as the case may be, anything you want to just say in last year is game, regardless if they're motivated by good feelings or bad.
If you want to Anonymouse this, anonymous commenting is on as well. Feel free to spread this around if you like; I'm sure everyone has at least a little something they'd like to leave behind.