slow and steady wins the race

May 31, 2007 05:09

wake up its 2:30 AM, drive to work after drinking some orange juice & brushing your teeth. stomach ache from a few drinks the night before or was it the fish & chips, i don't know, but my beard & t-shirt prolly still have the smell of black velvets & cigarettes. don't even wanna kiss the wife goodbye for fear of waking her from one good night of rest. work is going slow to the sunrise. but steady wins the race.

have some coffee and cigarettes, with a little 'dear and the headlights' til your boss gets here. he's pretty cool, but you don't wanna screw up again right?! talking to myself makes me a genius or so i hear; i can't even speak & spell well. my mom said yesterday that i was moving to get away or whatever the heck that all means. i think she's just sad to see us go. but at least she cares about me ya know. i love her so much. my dad's really my super hero, but my mom's a close second despite her craziness. i'm rambling on about nothing and you're reading, fun times.

too much coffee. my stomach is killing me now. too many details. i never write this much, but i'm bored out of my mind. i'm checking over this copy job at kinkos at 5 something in the AM and it's taking over an hour. maybe i'm slow, yea right this computer is brand spanking new, but the system sucks on it, the software i mean. haha. i don't even know anything about comps, can't you tell. this journaling thing is too honest.

i don't even know if i wanna vote next year, they all seem fake - masons, murderers, butchers, and phonies. i just want someone that loves Jesus for real, & won't lock me up or burn a barcode into my skin for being a Christian. they've all ready called me a terrorist for loving the Lord, so what is next, take away my rights with the patriot act in the name of safety and security. take away my guns that protect my family. i'm just thankful i'll always have the Lord to protect us. even to our death.

Rejoice for the freedom of choice. stop killing & start saving the world. i'm not anti-war by any means. but i am anti-hate. this may sound wierd to most people. but put yourself in my shoes. if you believe in the Lord of Hosts than see what they're doing to stop us from worshipping Him and trying to make us worship a one world gov't & religious order. don't buy into the money and power they're selling. their peace is no peace at all.

too much talk for so early in the morn. right. i got to go watch the sunrise now, so seeya.

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