Title: Almost Debauchery: Next Stop, the Orient Express
Fandom: Anastasia (1997)
Rating: K
Word Count: 109
Summary: Let's talk about the tiki mask of doom.
31_days 10/12/2006 - what you pay for
what you pay for
"This," Dimitri said with an extravagant gesture and an air of malafforded confidence as he held up the wooden sculpture-looking thing like a prize, "is an ancient, sacred Polynesian Tiki-Tiki mask."
Anya stood back, puzzled. She said, "Where'd you get an 'ancient, sacred Polynesian Tiki-Tiki mask' in Cairo?" Her hands were on her hips; she tapped her fingers very slowly.
"Do you remember the little trembly fellow from the cafe?"
"Oh no."
"Well, he needed to get to England, and - "
"You traded our tickets for that thing?" Anya's mouth hung slightly open. She did not bother to close it.
"It's lucky," Dimitri said, grinning.