All those Chingay Hoorays...

Feb 18, 2008 12:05

Most of you know I never miss a Chingay Parade since like...4-5 years ago when my ex (at the time) and myself used to brave the crowds to watch the floats. There is just something magical about stopping traffic for an evening to see men in tights, women in hideous costumes and gigantic versions of Singapore icons coming to life on the streets. For the past several years, this special parade had taken place along Orchard Road. perfect place for such a parade. However, this year, the "smart" organizers decided to try a different location and pushed it to the Padang, instead.

I really do not understand having the Chingay parade revolve around that grass patch. The point of such a Parade is supposed to follow in the style of Mardi Gras, or the Christmas Parades of New York and San Francisco. Colourful costumes, floats and music burst into the main streets of a popular shopping district. This year's Chingay failed in comparison.

For one thing, majority of the standing room areas were blocked up for ticket holders. In the past, tickets were sold only for seated areas. NOW WE HAVE TO PAY TO STAND??? So my friends and I nestled ourselves with our picnic mats and some drinks at a quaint corner away from most of the pushing and shoving but still with a pretty unobstructed view.

The participants were in full force and I would like to give kudos to them for trying. What spoilt it for me is that, due to the way the parade was organized, there were a lot of start/stops along their path and I had the pleasure to see each group taking breaks waiting for the group in front of them to move on.

The highlight was supposed to be the Formula 1 (which turned out to be a Formula 3) race car doing stunts along the road. However, it just sped forward and spun...sped back and spun...and continued this back and forth thing in front of the main audience area (the completely ticketed area) a few times before doing 1 complete circuit around the Padang for us lesser folks to see. What a let down. But at least I know it is a very loud car.

I was very proud to announce how my brother's Storm Troopers (for those of you who don't know, they are the white suited expandable army of Darth Vader in Star Wars) were to be in the parade. I can't say I was a little more than let down by the display. Firstly, while every other group had something to do while they walked the circuit at different spots, the stormtroopers simply "trouped" down...and at intervals would run out toward the audience and aim their guns pretending to shoot. I would have preferred it if they had created some sort of royal thrown thing to put their "Emperor" and Darth Vader on and let the rest act as guards. At least that would give a bit more realism to the group.

On top of that, this Chingay paled in comparison to past years' as they had almost no overseas participants this year. I had nothing to look forward to that I wouldn't have already seen in our National Day Parade.


Garry Moss
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