Jul 28, 2017 19:15
Feeling very under the weather. Ugh. Not the thyroid luckily, that is still going fine. It's a cold I believe at this point. Probably would have been fine if it wasn't for my hubby passing it on to me. I lied in bed awake most of the night. I'm still having insomnia issues. Stressing over getting sick and missing work. I did end up sick , and went to work. This week has been crazy busy among other things at work. We are sitting here both my husband and I trying to figure out who is gonna make dinner, because both of us feel like crap. Mine is just really starting to kick in.
Isn't it so weird to catch a summer cold? Ah well. Tea,music and hot showers will be my cure. Just wish the sore throat would let up. Hope it's over as quickly as it came.
Look on the bright side, I don't just have to lay here feeling him next to me, but being worried I'll get sick. It already happened :)