
Feb 03, 2006 19:28

Name: Angeli
Age: 17
Where did you find out about us? H/hr News

What Wizarding World profession/occupation would you choose and why?
Teacher because I like to teach or an auror because I like to protect

What Hogwart’s subject would you like to teach and why? Care of Magical Creatures because I know more about this subject than the rest...

What would your animagus form be, if you had a say in the matter, and why?
It might be an dove or an falcon, something that symbolizes peace and hope for me...

What HP character do you identify with most and why? Um, I think a bit of Hermione for the skills and Ginny for the guts...

What do you think you would see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
A happy family

If you were could invent one spell/potion/charm, what would it do, how would you use it, and what would it be called?

Santuarius charm - a spell that can take a conjurer into his/her own world of refuge without the weary pains of use it: Raise wand over head of the person to be casted upon and move it around his/her head several times until the sparkly dusts that comes out from the tip of the wand completely covers that person...

If given the chance, would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire to compete as a Triwizard Champion? Why or why not?

If I have help with me and when I am ready enough for the challenge, I'd willingly accept would be an honor and I 'm not someone who easily backs down on a dare unless it's beyond the line

If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

My boggart would be (I may sound silly): A moving corpse: COmpletely fleshy white-skinned, wide-eyed and staring. Makes me crignge...Riddikulus: It would turn into a colorful loony person...(lol!)

What do you look for in a friend?
A partner, a confidant, someone who'll be there rain or shine...

What trait most annoys you about other people? Loud, annoying, obvious meanies, wannabies, feelers

What trait most annoys you about yourself? Moody and sometimes lazy

What do you think are your top four abilities or qualities?

Patient, understanding, competitive and loyal

What do you think are your top four weaknesses or worst qualities?

Moody, lazy, easily-tempted, detached

You were just given a pensieve as a gift, what memories would you choose to place in it and why?.

Those happy times when my family were spending together...

What are your feelings on the Dark Arts? Are you for it, against it, or indifferent about it?

I'm very curious about it...

Which character from Harry Potter is your favorite and why?

It'd be Hermione. She may be bossy and stuff but she's quite a role model...

Which character from Harry Potter is your LEAST favorite and why (You may not say Voldemort, Umbridge, or any known Death Eaters since they are written with the intention of dislike)?

Cho...she's one person I really have a hard time liking. It's not that she's bad or anything, It's just that she annoys me so much especially during her "mourning times"...

As a student at Hogwarts, how would you spend your free time?

Reading a book I guess, or maybe playing my guitar while composing a song, or sketching something or doing pranks...(lol!)

Which class do you think you would do well in? Why?

I think I'd do well in Charms or in Transfiguration. I don't know, might be that it's a challenge to me...

Which class do you think you wouldn't do well in and why?

Divination I think. I don't believe much in that stuff...

If you were on your house Quidditch team what position would you LIKE to play and why?

Seeker or the team captain. I'd to motivate the group. It's an instinct or some sort...

If you were on your house Quidditch team what position do you think you SHOULD play and why?

I think one of the chasers or the keeper since I'm not too sure if there are others better than me...

Which of the Harry Potter books was your favorite and why?

Book 4. Exciting, unexpected and of course most hhr moments happen here...

Which Harry Potter book was your least favorite and why?

The-Book-That-Must-Not-Be-Named! Book6! (lol!) That's obvious for us Harmonians...

Which Harry Potter movie was your favorite and why?

I think the 4th movie was great. Again hhr moments are seen here and there and new and exciting things appear...

Which Harry Potter movie was your least favorite and why?

I don't really have a least hp movie but I think when Book6 comes out, it wouold be that!

If you could change ONE thing in the series, what would it be and why?
Of course that Harry would end up with Hermione not with Ginny, and Hermione with Harry not with Ron...too loyal to hhr! Hehe..

I think it is safe to say that Harry Potter is full of symbolism, so to go along with that, please click on the specified links and follow the directions.

Go to this site: Symbolism: Colors
Pick the color that most appeals to you and copy and paste what it says about you:


Purple can represent royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mysterious, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, and mourning.

Do you agree? I think so...

Go to this site: Symbolism: Elements
Pick the element that appeals to you most and copy and paste what it says about you:


Fire. If there ever was a dichotomous element it would be Fire. Fire, the bringer of destruction, the symbolism of chaos and war. Fire burns everything, bringing nothing but ruin. And yet, Prometheus risked the wrath of the Titans to bring fire to man. Fire banishes the darkness. Fire cleanses and purifies. Lastly, sometimes Love is spoken of as an eternal flame. Fire.

Fire can be shown as an agent of destruction. Everyone can imagine the scene where the heroine looks down and the town is awash in flames. Fire is also usually used for strong emotional feelings (such as love, hate, desire, and determination). Fire can also be used to express determination or a strong desire as well.

Characters and things that are shown to have a 'fire-esq' quality to them usually have a red-colored theme to them. Red because flames and coals have a red coloration to them. They are also more likely to be violent (in this case violent meaning extreme and chaotic) in their response and more likely to rush into a situation without completely thinking the consequences through. For example, Hino Rei / Sailor Mars (from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon) is Fire personified, but she is hardly evil, nor does she have evil intents. She is strong-willed, hot-tempered, and incredibly determined and independent, that's all.

Do you agree? Yeah...very much

Go to this site: Zodiac
Click on your Zodiac sign and copy and paste what it says about you:


Ruler: Mars / Element: Fire / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Positive / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective

Unbridled expression of your inner nature; activity that is self-motivated, unaffected by others; new beginnings, the start of new cycles, birth; enthusiasm and vitality.

Aggressive, willful, powerful, assertive; enthusiastic about whatever interests you at the moment, focused in short bursts, unlikely to sustain interest in the long term; ego expression; adventurious, pioneering; Warrior-type energy; impatient with having to cooperate with others, works best alone or in leadership role; unconcerned with approval or acceptance; lacks persistance and stamina; honest and forthright, "what you see is what you get", not given to airs or pretenses; the first expression (or incarnation ) of spirit within a new cycle on the physical plane.

Do you agree? I'm an aries, aren't I?

Go to this site: Choose your wand.
Pick your wand and then paste what the site says about your wand:

All-rounded work! Your wand is very powerful, it exceeds in all areas of magic! Congrats!

Let’s do a little word association here (you may go over one word, but please keep it concise). When you hear the following words you immediately think…

Courage: Sword or a hero
Loyalty: True friendship
Intelligence: Vast intellect and at an advantage to "know-it-all"
Ambition: Selfish goals

Name a person, alive, dead or even a character from a movie or book, that you most admire. Why do you admire this person?

My Parents. They know how to live life even when there are times when you just want to die...

If you could own any magical creature, what would it be?

Falcon or a hawk.

What is the worst quality you believe that a person, any person, can possess?

Pathetically dependent and easy to betray you...something like wormtail's traits

Which house do you feel you belong in and why?
It would either be in Gryffindor for loyalty and bravery or in slytherin for wit, and mystery

What house do you think you WOULDN'T belong in and why?
Hufflepuff...It's not much of a challenge...*shrugs*

Why do you want to be part of this community? Will you remain active in the sub-communities and voting after you've been stamped in a house?

I want to be part in a community to feel I belong somewhere. I will. There may be times when I might be gone a long time but there's always a reason behind it.
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