Dec 30, 2006 03:08
As this year comes to a close I look back on it with a smile... I feel that I have grown and changed my ways in many aspects. People have come and gone outta my life maybe even for the best of things.
I started off this year being in a relationship of a year plus..eanded a few monnths back for the better. Became too hard to try to find something that was noo longer there.just found it better to move on with things.
Schoool progessivly has gotten better. Being a senior could not be anymore of a relief.. Its been along time awaited...the senior project has been keeping me on my toes and teachers have been keeping me highly motivated to keep my head up and go for what I want the most in life.
I have applied too my choice school out in indianapolis indiana and plan to leave this good ol state of california and take on the nursing program they have out case your wondering whyy indiana. Its because they have a national champioship ranked program for cycling out there and I plan to ride for them this coming fall.
Since about october i ve been hanging out with a great group of friends, arnold. Octavio. Kim ya dig. Matt lee.thai vang. Tone. Kevin.gus.timmm.gaudy.ham. erika. Ericaca. Annet. Brenda.peej. matt ramos.chris. (If I forgot you. You know I love you) they've been the best, been simply hanging out. Going to le disko and dancing has been the best of times. A highlight of my 06. Wonderwall by Oasis became a song to remember...for it was are no.1 sing along song. Its was the best of times at octavios partys that became known as "daterape night" only because of the drink that we all feel in love with.
As this year comes to a close I am greatful for all the friends around me.. Proud of all the struggles I have over came. The changes and dessions I have made.
New years will be a great time with all the friends and hopefully bring the year in with a bang.
Here's to 2007!!!!!!
A few things to look forward too in 07:
Turning 18
Getting my car
Moving out
Spring break road trip
Road trips to san fran with my honey bee
And a few good partys.