Title: Binding Forces Chapter 1/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Grouping: (H/W this chapter) House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Summary: House finds out Wilson is more interesting than he thought.
Warnings: Bondage, BDSM elements, tie!kink(this chapter only)
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When kink is part of a fic I very much prefer a dominant House (simply from how he behaves in the show) and this was definitely one of the best incarnations I've read in a while! Especially as you combined his desire to control and his House-typical outrageous methods very neatly with the quiet, gruff tenderness we've seen displayed in canon for those he cares about.
Your Wilson coming to terms with acting out his long-standing attraction to House and his hesitance in fulfilling his kink preferences in RL for the first time rang very true and was sexy. Hell, the whole Wilson was sexy!
Your layout for Chase's involvement and place also sounds interesting and very true to canon (obvious BDSM-experience, crappy and helpless attempt to dom someone speaking of little understanding of dynamics/experience as a Top or desire to top, blunt and unapologetic stating of preferences "Oh, aggressive. I like that!") and his actually not being the needy absolute bottom of H/W/C is unusual but very refreshing.
But my favorite part is your addressing of imo the major clashing point in any serious H/W-relationship: Wilson's serial cheating and compulsion to seek new thrills and affections, and House who is both possessive and even as an unaffected outsider unhappy with Wilson's unfaithfulness and who reacts strongest to having his trust betrayed. This problem sadly rarely comes up in fics where those two have a true sexual relationship so I'm always ecstatic when I find it addressed somewhere ^_^
House giving up control would have to done just right. Which I won't start on until I'm done with Picture Puzzles. I haven't decided yet just how that version is going to work, the whole concept of House letting go is just a pain to work on.
:) Wilson was just fun to write in this part.
With Chase putting him on the absolute bottom doesn't appeal to me much. Having a strong character that's willing to do what House tells him as opposed to doing what anyone tells him seems more like Chase to me.
Yeah, I know what you mean. The they fell into each other's arms and everything works prefectly formula is okay on those days I want mush, but I really like seeing the fighting and fussing that I think would happen if they were to do get together. Real reactions are a lot more fun for me to write or read about.
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