So, because I've been asked about it I thought I'd better mention:
The SCA is real. It's whole name is Society for Creative Anachronism (and you can see why we just call it the SCA). The main website is There are different Kingdoms. If you live in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Europe, Middle East or parts of Africa you live in one of the 19 Kingdoms. So, I'm from Kansas which puts me in Calontir. House is set in New Jersey which puts him in the East.
All the names of SCA characters are made up. Most of the time I won't even speficy a region/time period for the name to come from. The only one that'll be mentioned that's a real person won't be mentioned by name just deed because he's that memorable (you'll see why when I have House tell about him).
If you've more questions feel free to ask. I'll answer what I can.