Title: A Little Metal
Prompt from
ashesmuse Rating: NC-17
Crossover: NCIS, Buffy, and Highlander (not that you need to know that for this)
Summary: Xander gets what he has asked for. Mostly smut.
Kinks: Chains, one collar, toys, and piercings.
A Little Metal )
Comments 17
I'm roughly running them in order, so yours would be not the next one, but the one after. You and 3nood asked for the same set of characters and yours need two chapters anyway, so one chapter for each of you. They may end up between parts of the big fics like I've been doing Switching Places.
Thank you, you are great and I´m a really infinite huge dork.
Thanks. (And you aren't a dork!)
Urrgh, How can I explain that if somebody (urrrgh, I do hope not my boss) will ask me sometimes why I´ve got that red cheeks?
I know that I shouldn´t read in my office! I know it! Urrgh. :-)))
I adored it! snarky conversation, yummmy Xander being topped and Methos all skittish and wanting it.
this is going on the smutty kinky list :)
thank you for writing my prompt so wonderfully!
Oh, good. Snarky conversation wasn't the hard part. They open their mouths and you get snark. Methos skittish was a bit harder. Xander being yummy was the part I had to keep rewording. :) I won in the end though and got it to say what I wanted (mostly).
? Smutty, kniky list? Is there something I'm missing?
;) You're welcome. I'm happy you like it so well.
I thought I would squick the piercing, but it was delightful to see it from Xander's happy/fuzzy state.
Well, I wasn't going to do the piercing, because I usually don't like the descriptions used, but then I thought maybe I don't have to actually describe it. Oh, yeah, that'd work and there you go. :) I sometimes wonder how many people don't read something of mine because I put warnings about everything in the header if I'm worried it'll bother anyone.
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