Anyone for a smut short?

Feb 19, 2008 21:23

Hi everyone. Yes, I know you are all wanting some more of the stories I'm not updating fast enough. The thing is I've been researching the Amazon Kindle ebook-reader. How it works, if I could take my writing with me and mark things to fix on the go (which I can't do with my handheld because it bricked, or my smartphone because it has crappy battery life). Well, and read because I love to read. The lack of information on what I want to know about it has annoyed me which translates into crappy writing on what I should be updating. I just need a short break; a couple of days of writing about anything else.

Getting to the point about the smut... I'm trying to get better at writing short fics that don't evolve into huge epics. It is a sore point. I'm bad at it. I figured you, dear readers, could help. Under the cut are the characters and fandoms I know enough about to write close enough to character. You know me, I like threesomes, but you might convince me of some pairs...

Now look, some characters have always struck me as het or slash or both. Don't get upset if I don't include your fav for slash because I just don't see that character that way. Some things I just can't envision.

There is House, of course.

I'd love to put Jarod from Pretender in a crossover. (Yep, I just can't see him with any male on the show.)

CSI and the spinoffs:
I don't watch CSI:NY or Miami. :P I haven't really watched Miami since Speed died. I saw Nailed and that's about it. I sorta like Ryan, but not enough to write him. Speed is pretty much it. I like H and Eric and would write them with Speed. Although I think it'd be neater to just put Speed with other characters from other shows.

CSI has Grissom, Sanders, and Stokes. Yep, I'm a standard OT3 in this fandom.

dueSouth: Fraser and RayK, no RayV or Turnbull because I'm weird like that.

Stargate shows: Sheppard/McKay/Dex which I've gotten a little written in. I also like the clone-O'Neill and O'Neill himself. Daniel too. And, no, no, I will not write the two O'Neills together with anyone. I just can't. The O'Neill clone with Jarod, now that's a pretty picture.

Burn Notice: I really like Micheal. Strikes me as bi. I like him with the little pryo lady, but can't see him with any of the introduced males on the show (no, I can't picture Sam that way). Side-note: I liked the actor when he was in Touching Evil too.

X-Files: Mulder and Krycek.

The Sentinel: Jim and Blair. I never saw them as a stable pair. Soulmated, sure. Needing a buffer person, definitely.

Other characters:

Xander from Buffy ( I like him, but I don't like him paired with just about anyone on either Buffy or Angel.)

Tony from NCIS (I like him with Gibbs, but there is enough of that. I'd rather write him with someone different.)

Frank Parker from Seven Days

Methos from Highlander (Yes, yes, he's always either with Duncan or Richie, but not for this.)

If you can think of something you'd like to see that can be a short fic (smut or not, but we all know most suggestions may well end up being smut). You can suggest kinks or not as you please. Thought of a threesome that hardly ever gets written? Ask, I just might write it. You needn't worry about time lines, I don't care.

I'm not going to write non-con. I'll consider het, but frankly I'm no good at writing het sex, please spare us. Oh, and if you want crack go ahead and ask. I think wing!fic is pretty neat sometimes. ;)

If you've a prompt, but you don't want comment please email me at whiteraven16 @

I'm hoping to use any prompts as one to two chapter fics. I may not write all the prompts, but that'll just depend. Anyone wanting a personalized short now is the time to speak.

(And for those of you wondering...Yes, I posted with ScribeFire.)
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