Title: Tales Told Out of Turn Part 8/?
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Pairing/Grouping: House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Crossover w/Stargate: Atlantis (you don't need to know much about Stargate to get this fic.)
Summary: House spent way too much time moving around the world as a child and some places had more interesting
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Comments 30
but colorblindness? interesting here. i don't know how much i'd personally like the chase showing up in matching outfits thing (though you're right that it'd be worth seeing cameron's and foreman's reactions). i like him mismatched, it makes him look more approachable and a realistic person instead of a glossed over model that just jumped out of the cover of GQ. its the "sexy dork" look (forgot who coined it, but its my new fave description of chase), and i love it on him. it just makes him more appealing to me for some reason, because its more real maybe...
i must be the queen dork. hmm...and if he's the king, i'll die happy.
:) Well, I don't know that all of his non-matching is from a thing like colorblindness because even my Dad that is colorblind can match on his own sometimes. :)
Heh. Well...as long as you're happy I guess. ;)
I'd pay to see that- not much- but i'd pay. I can't believe you came up with a crossover between House and Atlantis, but it works incredibly well, and I can barely wait for the next part.
Love that Chase's colourblindness gets to explaine funny DNA.
Everytime you udate, on any of your stories, I always am tempted to tell you that it's my favourite, but it would always be a lie, because I love them all too much to single one out.
I thought it'd be fun. :)
Oh, well, thanks. I can't pick just one myself. ;D
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