Title: Picture Puzzles Part 16/?
Rating: NC-17
Paring/Grouping (whatever you want to call it): House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Summary: House worried can be both good and bad.
Warnings: Mention of abuse in the past to more than one character.
Beta: Thanks to
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Comments 30
Anyways, this story is awesome! I love the fact that Chase is becoming more outgoing with his thoughts and that he stood up to Cameron. I loved it when Wilson put half a dosage of sedative into House along with the morphine. I also love that House is still House. You won't believe how many stories I've read where House was completely out of character. *cringes*
Long comment short, this chapter is awesome, this story is awesome, and you are awesome. Can't wait until this and your other stories are updated. Your other stories are awesome, too.
Thanks. I'm glad you like so much of it. I try to make sure that House is still House. I don't do near as many witty sayings or things because I know that I'm not that good at them, but I at least try to keep his reactions in character.
Awesome. Thank you for reading.
BTW the tank you referred to is the Abrams tank, not Abrahms.
(I'm MisanthropicObs on TWoP)
Oy. I had it right and then I asked Dad to be sure and he said it was the other way. :P Oh, well. That man exists and really has been run over and hit by lighting that many times. No one will camp by him during storm season. :D
Ah. Cool beans. I can't thank you enough for linking for me there all the time and the rec'ing too.
More soon please!!
Yes, there will be more.
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