Title: Picture Puzzles Part 1/26
Rating: PG13 this part (NC-17 later parts)
Paring: House/Wilson/Chase
Disclaimer: Don't own them, as we all know.
Summary: House worried can be both good and bad.
Warnings: Mention of abuse in the past to more than one character.
A/N: Keep in mind this is my first fanfiction of any kind.
Now beta'd by:
recrudescence (
On to the Story )
Comments 24
I had a friend that grew up much in Chase's postion and he couldn't eat in the lunch room. I used to pocket my carrotsticks and take them to him on the playground where he'd eat around the corner of the building from me while we talked.
Chase isn't the only one with issues. House is just a big bundle of issues. Hopefully the rest of the things I've decided on will work seem plausible as well.
BTW: Love yours as well - Leela's my favorite companion, but (sacrilege!), Davison's my favorite Doctor!
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Woohoo for no spelling mistakes! (I'm quite suprised actually.) I'm dsylexic and usually can't see if I've got things spelled right or not. I spent time with the spell check and a dictionary trying to make sure.
Yes, more will be up soon.
Well done. I think Chase having an eating disorder is very believable and you've sold me so far without even trying.
I love the voices of the characters here and House's thoughts. Wilson's too are cracking me up.
I look forward to more. LIke Now! LOL
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. House and Wilson thoughts are simple it's Chase thoughts that drive me batty.
Oh, look I'm off to post the next bit. :)
Love To All,
"Like I always say, there's no "I" in team...there's a "me" though, if you jumble it up."
--Dr. Gregory House
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