(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 00:00

prompt: a dragon in the kitchen
author: whiterabbit1613

fandom: fullmetal alchemist (sort-of vaguely post movie so maybe spoilers?)

There was a reason Envy was not allowed to cook. It was a single incident, long ago, involving a tail, a pot of boiling water, and the ruination of Greed's favorite fur-collared coat.
     (Pride had held them apart by the scruffs of their necks until they stopped clawing each other's hearts out, if only because he was really freaking hungry by that point.)
     This held true until many years later, when he and Hohenheim lived unhappily together in a miserable little shack on the outskirts of Hell. After all, they'd both done some pretty shitty things in their lives; it was only fitting that they were doomed to piss each other off for the rest of eternity. The cooking began as just another way to torment his father (though, technically, neither of them had to eat).
     Alarmingly, it didn't remain that way. He actually began to like it.
     Even Greed grudgingly admitted that he'd improved.

I apologize for the total randomossity of this ficlet. All I can say is... well. Who doesn't love Hoho-papa? XD

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