ds_aprilfools (5) Charity

Apr 05, 2008 20:03

Title: Charity
Rating: PG
Fandom/Pairing: Due South, gen
ds_aprilfools (5) movie popcorn
Summary: Welsh and popcorn.

Harding Welsh gave himself a brief moment to wonder how he'd gotten himself into this mess.
     He decided, first off, that this was the last time he let Constable Fraser talk him into helping out at a charity fund-raiser for disadvantaged children. He should have been more stubborn in his refusal, but the constable had this weird, Canadian power to guilt him into all sorts of outlandish undertakings. Welsh was at least relieved to know that he wasn't the only person who fell victim to it; Vecchio had been conned into a full-out clown costume, which almost made the whole ordeal worth it. (Vecchio kept whining every time Fraser came within speaking distance. Fraser was also dressed up -- as a Mountie. The fact that the Mountie was more popular with the kids than the clown was pretty telling.)
     Actually, Welsh had gotten off lightly, compared to Elaine (sack race), Gardino (balloon animals) and Huey (face painting). All Welsh had to do was sit around and watch cartoons with a bunch of kindergartners. They were loud, sure, and vaguely annoying, but they were also pretty well occupied by the film. Welsh had started to doze off. Which is when they chose to attack.
     He was a cop. Seriously, he should have known better than to let his guard down.
     They sort of... swarmed him, pelting him with popcorn, the sickeningly buttery kind that stuck to his face when it hit him. Their little, clinging forms attached to his arms and legs and pulled him towards the ground, tugging his chair over backwards. They were shouting and giggling. Welsh really didn't want to hurt them, so he sort of kept still and went with it, all the while cussing Fraser out in his head.
     Of course, Fraser saved him a few moments later, with the help of some well-chosen words (and Ray Vecchio, pissy clown extraordinaire). So Welsh felt vaguely bad for cussing him out (stupid guilt-ray) and started picking the popcorn off his shirt.

Thanks for reading!
my table

fic, ds_aprilfools, duesouth

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