In order to explain this story of mythical proportions I shall draw a diagram for your viewing pleasure and ADDness:
Silver car (left): George
Silver car (right): Myself
Big Ass Truck: Big Ass Truck
Red Cars: Some Random People
Gray Shit on the Road: Metal Grid (Where the Bridge opens up)
Moving on...
Scenario: All the cars were stopped due to a car accident that had happend further up the road (which we figured out later on). None of the cars had their break lights on since they had been waiting there for a while, and needless to say we came within inches of a disaster (literally).
Why you ask?
Ever tried breaking on a metal grid?
Well ya can't going 30+, and mind you that we were on a highway so of course everyone goes 60+.
As I was approaching the Big Ass Truck and realize that nothing is moving (see diagram) I began the breaking process with the pedal on the fucking floor of my car (almost anyway...). Soon I began to wonder... What is this sliding and swaying feeling, who is making this aweful rattling noise, and why isn't my car slowing down at all?
But then it hit me: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT there's a FUCKIN metal fuckin GRID I'M ON, I thought calmly.
At this point the Truck was only a few feet away. Making a quick notion of that I pull into the left lane, which in my calculations will keep me from entering the Trucks Ass. SHIT! Where's George! As I finally came to a sliding halt slightly behind the truck, and now in the left lane, I turn my head to the right only to find George going at full speed through that small gap that was still open between me and the Truck.
At this very moment one good and one bad thing happen.
Bad: I turn my head to the right again and witness another Random Car slam right into the Truck, and again, only inches away from me.
Good: As George passed me the line moved a couple feet, giving him enough pavement to come to a complete stop behind the Red Random Car.
... I guess you shoulda been there