Hello there, midterms

Mar 07, 2013 17:34

So quickly, midterms arrived. I spent the entire recess week working on both Analytical Chem and Organic Chem. Anat paid off in the sense that I knew how to do most of the questions and managed to finish the paper somehow. Org, not so much. Might have lost 10 marks on the last question, which I utterly deserve. Only an idiot will think that CHO + NH(R)2 = Amide. Gosh, I should have done a COOH + SOCl then + NHR2!

Understanding the Universe was disastrous. I suppose this is what happens when you mug just 3 hours before the exam because you spent the entire of the previous night at Choir. And I did spend too much time on both of my core Chem modules. Ah well.

This week is one terrible week because of the four midterms plus the horrible timetabling that makes it near impossible for me to study for the next paper one day in advance. Fortunately I dropped EL1101E, else things would be much worse. For one, I won't be able to have my music lessons on Mon, which means that it would have to be on Sun or Tues, which is a terrible terrible rush for all involved.

I think that one of the reasons why there seems to be a lot of stress this time round is because I've joined the NUSChoir and while it is awesome and all (I mean, it's CHOIR omg), learning 13 songs and memorising them in erm... let's see, slightly more than 2 months isn't very awesome. Nor is balancing Choir and Org Chem, because Org Chem is such a bitch to study.

Ah well, after tomorrow things would be a lot less hectic. I can (finally) dedicate 110% to 1. memorising all 13 songs + choreo; 2. Practice that damn Sonata in C that I said I would perform; 3. Get round to practising like a good student for my music classes (and not feel so paiseh that I cannot pitch without the piano anymore).

I suppose this first two months of choir is really an eye opener in terms of how well I can manage a CCA and school work (i.e. terribly). Time to make some adjustments in the way I work from now on! Maybe I can even spend some time volunteering and joining other committees if I don't burn out this sem!

or maybe I should just stop playing candy crush and focus on being a bookworm.

rl: university, life: school

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