Title: It's over
Pairing: Bellatrix/Narcissa, background Lucius/Narcissa
Summary: -nil-
Word Count: 622
Warnings: Blackcest
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me! Bellatrix and Narcissa belong to the lovely JKR.
There was utter silence as the Dark Lord fell to Harry Potter's spell. Narcissa had been too far away to notice. Before that, her son had been her focus. Together, she had canvassed the battlefield with Lucius. It was only when she had her son in her arms once more that she looked up and take a good look at the destruction that surrounded them.
Bodies were scattered around the Hall. She ignored them, searching out the dark hair of her sister and sometimes lover. Her breathing hitched when she saw the limp form of the dark haired woman lying still on the ground. She carefully untangled herself from the three way hug with Lucius and Draco, meeting her husband's eyes questioningly.
'Go' he mouthed.
She nodded in thanks. Narcissa stood up and carefully dusted her robes. She slowly made her way to where she saw Bellatrix's body. She knelt, a pale hand moving to brush a stray black curl away from the gaunt face. She placed a soft kiss on the cold lips, smiling sadly.
"It's over, Bellatrix," she said softly. "The Dark Lord is gone."
She stood regally. With a flick of her wand, Bellatrix's body was floating behind her. She ignored the looks the rest of the survivors shot her as she made her way back to her family. Narcissa smiled sadly.
"Let's go home."
With a crack, they disapparated.
They reappeared in front of one of the many estates they had around England. Draco immediately made a beeline for his rooms, no doubt to finally get a good night's rest. Lucius looked at her questioningly. "Go," she said, "I'll return when I can." Her husband nodded, limping to their rooms.
She sighed softly, placing the body onto the ground gently. With another flick of her wand, a mound of earth was removed from the ground, forming a large hole in the gardens of the estate. She levitated the body into the hole, casting a few charms to preserve the body. After, when everything has calmed down, she would bury Bellatrix properly. For now, this would have to do. Another flick of her wand refilled the hole.
It was then that Narcissa's calm façade cracked. Bellatrix was gone. There would be no more late night rendezvous in the back alleys of Muggle London, no more waking up on some mornings when their husbands are away to each other. There would be no more of Bellatrix holding her close when she worried over the fate of her son, no more of the comforting pecks on the lips every time Bellatrix followed the Dark Lord into Malfoy Manor. There will be no more of the stolen moments that had been her constant ever since she was a young girl. Bellatrix had been the one that had been there throughout everything. Intellectually, she knew that their relationship was wrong on so many levels. They had known it since they were old enough to understand what they were doing. Yet they had continued with their quiet affair, even being married had not changed that.
A lone tear ran down Narcissa's cheek. It was over. All of it. There was no more Dark Lord to terrorise them, but there was also no more Bellatrix for her to be with. She sighed, wiping the lone tear away. She walked back into the house, back into the bed she shared with Lucius. She slid in quietly, leaning back against Lucius as he wrapped his arms around her and tugged her close.
Today, she would mourn, she thought, as another tear ran down her cheek. Tomorrow they would begin to rebuild the Malfoy name. They would be strong again. It's the only way she knew to survive.