Title Teeny weeny coda to Episode 10
Medium ficlet
Characters OT3
Rating, Genre, warnings: R , fluff
Summary What happened when they got home :) I wrote this as soon as I watched the ep but had nowhere to put it until now :D
He holds the door open for them to get in the car, she’s all snuggly-sweet and happy floppiness, he’s dorky, long limbs and that stupid deep voice that goes straight to Eliot’s dick when he speaks.
“Take them home, Eliot.” Sophie commanded, “Nate and I have to . . . talk.”
So he did, took them back to his home and watched them all afternoon as Parker giggled and chattered and Hardison looked at her with this torn fondness that made Eliot ache.
As she danced and twirled around his kitchen Eliot put his hand on Hardison’s shoulder. “It’s okay,” he said. And it was.
When they wake in a tangle of limbs, dark, pale and golden, stained with sweat and more Eliot can feel the weight of thoughts spinning in Hardison’s head as heavy as the man’s leg across Eliot’s thigh and it makes his brain ache.
“Stop thinking, Alec,” Parker says softly before moving in to distract him in the best possible way and damn! it takes Eliot a moment to get with the program because he still can’t believe it’s physically possible to be quite that flexible.
“I can’t blame it on the pills can I?” She asks, voice tiny and frail in the dark. Eliot reaches over Hardison’s sleeping body to find her hand. When he speaks his voice is warm and comforting as whisky and honey on a cold winter’s night. “If you blame it on the pills it means you don’t wanna do it again,” he drawls.