A kink challenge short and sweet - wanna play?

May 02, 2014 11:58

Quick basics: prompts are open now- you can submit up to 48 prompts for fic or art. Fic: word count 500 minimum and no maximum, art: either one large piece or two smaller pieces. Yes, you can claim your own prompt, up to 8 prompts.
Prompts close May 15th
Claims begin May 16th
Posting June 1st through June 16th

Open fandoms/genres including RPS/Crossovers - there are rules so please be sure to give ALL of them a read before joining- would love to see a bunch of Leverage OT3 prompts. My personal challenge is to write 1-2 little ficlets for the comm and if inspired continue to write after the challenge. Click the button to go and check it out ;)

Note: *waves* hello. I'm denyce and was passed the baton from wenchpixie back in Dec 2012 to keep the comm open. Admittely I thought I was getting back into fandom (however my mother had just passed away earlier that month- and yeah not so much). I am now however seriously working on it. Atm I'm not writing Leverage, but have started to rewatch the show, and OT3 is still my fav! I'm hoping to be a little more active in Leverage. In the meantime, I'll be posting challenges like this. Yes, its to other comms, but any challenge comm that accepts and wants our pairings you should know about and hopfully it mightl spark your muse and you can share the end result here when you're ready to post ;)

If you have any other thoughts, challenges, recs or other ideas please let me know. Thank you & I hope to see a few Leverage prompts ;)
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