Here's my resource post for all of the textures, brushes, etc etc that I and
kuroneko_sama_ use. It'll get updated as often as needed.
If there's something I used that belongs to you, but is not credited, *nicely* tell me, and I'll add you the list ^_^
Brushes/Textures/Gradients/Templates/Patterns/Borders/Etc from Livejournal Users
bashfulbountiesdj43fluffy_monsterfor_victorygendergraphicjunkieicon_extrasicon_goddessicon_texturesicontemplationicon_whore_inxsomniaxjubillikireireilipsofpoisonlorien_maidenmagenta125nereidemy_wonderfulohpaintbrushonecoldcanadianooo_shineyreversescollideperfectalibiteh_indysaiharascarsonchestsugarplumkittentouketsu_omoidetoxxxicgurlyumei_k Outside of Livejournal
Lush Brushes PureAnodyne Mechadiva Unknown BrushesSquidFingersHybrid GenesisImprintsCreepy Dolly Fonts
-Fonts that came pre-loaded on my computer
DaFont Hosting
Photobucket [png, jpg, gif only]
YouSendIt [one week expiration link]
Programs used
Paint Shop Pro 9
Animation Shop
I can't credit every image I use because the number of images saved on my computer is insane (collecting them for a long, long, long time now!) and would be nearly impossible to credit every single one. Specific screencaps/photos are listed below.
Search Engines
Peach Girl
sae16Full Metal Alchemist
FMA GalleriesPhantom of the Opera (2004 film version)
spikesbintFruits Basket
lil_button (some caps)
Inuyasha (movies 1-3)
Rakuen Mezashite If I missed anything, or if anything belongs to you, let me know and I'll add you to the list