Well, just an update for anyone who's been wondering "what's L'Matt been up to lately?"
To answer that question - I was hired onto the staff of my school's paper, the UCSD Guardian, as the new Associated Student Council beat writer. What that means is, I attend all A.S. meetings and summarize the events in my own box in every Thursday issue. I also get connections to anyone and anything that is going on on the UC Campus.
Pat, my beloved former Mock Trial captain, had this position last year - and like he did with Internal VP, recommended that I give it a shot. There's no doubting the places it could take me, considering Pat is probably THE most involved and connected person I've met at UCSD. He tagged along with me to the first meeting last night (3 hours, and they prided themselves on having a SHORT meeting), and taught me how to write my column. I really appreciate all the help, because jumping into something as complicated as the Student Council (don't laugh) is really difficult.
So yeah - I also got an article published regarding fee increases for UC grad schools. So, since I'm a shameless self-promoting whore, here are the links if any of you want to read:
A.S. At a Glance:
http://www.ucsdguardian.org/cgi-bin/news?art=2005_06_02_05 Fee Increase:
http://www.ucsdguardian.org/cgi-bin/news?art=2005_05_31_01 So yeah - I'm proud!
Now for finals. :-/