Yay Fall!

Aug 22, 2006 10:00

I am excited for Fall. All the leaves will be red and pretty. The air will smell more crisp and fresh, rather than muggy and used in the Summer. There'll be leaf piles around to lay in and a nice cool breeze. I can wear my sweaters and my I'm-cold clothes. I love Autumn for the outdoors, it makes me happy.

Thanksgiving, Halloween and my Birthday is always a boost too. I haven't been much of a Halloween fan the past two years. It's usually cold and it just hasn't been enjoyable. After years of it, you get lazy and all I ever get are 80 packages of chips or soda. I'm picky when it comes to candy (Unless it's all I have left) and I'll just feel bad for eating it. I'll imagine the sugar eating away at the enamel that protects my teeth.

I like Thanksgiving. Food, the busy home of Grandma Ida with all our relatives. It's not an exciting event, but I like the feeling of it. I like eating at my Tota's too, that's nice. I don't see either side of the family that much.

My Birthday is something I'm never excited for, I haven't known what I really wanted the past 2 years. I stopped celebrating my Birthday after my 12th. I do enjoy ordering food and eating cake though, we still do that and invite the grandmas. I like reading cards. I could care less about what I get, in fact I think I'll tell them not to get me anything, no money either. I do want new moccasins but other than that I'm happy with cards. My Tota will probably get me moccasins. Mine are wearing out now.

Like last year, I don't really want to celebrate my birthday with my friends. I don't like being the center of attention, not because I'm shy (Which I'm really not these days) but because it just makes me uncomfortable. And I don't want a whole bunch of high expectations for my birthday thinking it'll be all fun and then it'll be just okay and I'll be all -.- Plus I'm not really embracing the idea of being eighteen years old and farther away from childhood.

I like season changes because it changes my mood and it's an opportunity for me to change too, or improve rather. I'm not sure what I want to do exactly, but basically I want to aim to be a more peaceful or spiritual person. I already am since I worked at Step By Step, and I've decided to distance myself from people that are negative or make me angry.

As for other ways to be spiritual or peaceful, I want to take up some hobbies. I already bought a book yesterday called Counting Stars which is about the author's experience as a child in England way back when. He's probably 50 now or something. I like stuff like that, I always liked hearing my mom's stories of what her and her brothers would do as kids. I guess that doesn't work when your mom isn't 50 like mine because it wouldn't be so different from now. I'm already on page 48 on that book or something like that.

I want to get into photography again, I haven't been taking many nature photos like I did that Summer when I went nuts and it was all I did. Pretty colored leaves should work well for that. I'd like to start drawing again but I'm already feeling lazy about that so maybe I won't do that. I want to learn Mohawk of course, I've always wanted to. Maybe Tiawenti:non can photocopy me her homework or scan and send it to me. That'd be pretty cool.

I don't know where I get all these ideas of hobbies and stuff, school could keep me pretty busy. But it seems appealing to just sit in a pile of leaves this fall taking pictures or reading or doing some kind of nice "alone time" activity.
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