8 March 2009 - Sunday
Max Payne is another game-to-movie attempt. And once again, it's leaves a lot to be desired. Almost everything gets lost in translation. They took some of the names and events from the game, and concocted a story around that. Within the framework of the movie, it works, but when put up against the game story, it totally falls flat. The kitch noir feel of the game isn't there, the movie takes itself way to seriously, whereas the game you got the sense that though it pretended to be all serious, it really knew underneath it was anything but.
The action scenes in the movie are ok, but compared to some of the bullet-ballet scenes from the games, it again feels like so much lost opportunities.
If they decided to not attach the name Max Payne to the movie, it might've faired a bit better, as you wouldn't go in with certain expectations. As is, it's really just luke-warm.
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