talk about one weird day
Well as you can guess I had a weird day today, first it started out by finding out I didn't get the permanent position at my work (ya that suck). so I when to the gym during lunch and work my frustration ( got to love the treat mill on days like that). while then i got back to my desk and there was a message from security telling my they have a package for me at the front desk. o.O so I'm like a package I'm not expecting a package, but I went down at got it and it turned out to be this:
It's a house warming basket from my mortgage broker, which I though was pretty sweet. So I get home after work and find something from real estate agent it turns out to me some business cards with my new address on it. I'm like that's I'm cool, I can give this out to my friends so they know where it is. And now I my mother just aquiesced me of lie cause I didn't tell my parents about a cheque my grandparents gave me to help me out with my new place. Man it has just been one of those down and up and down days.