Miaow! 3 Birthdays!

May 31, 2008 23:54

Firstly, I'm sorry to have been literally non-existant on Lj for weeks... seems I was in a sort of parallel universe. My apologies!

I wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear

Here's a new friend for sweet Josh and you. :-)

Water-colour on paper, 31 x 23 cm

*Drückt und knuddelt Dich gaaanz feste*

~ * ~

Also, a very happy belated birthday to
pearlette and Blossom!!

Ah, you two! I see you are just reading Frodo's birthday greetings he sent to you. You lucky ladies, you! :-)

(Zenaide and Charlotte Bonaparte by Jacques-Louis David, 1821)

*Blows kisses to all you lasses*

water-colour painting, birthday

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