I have had this cough for a month now. I'm not new to this I've had coughs for 6 months before lol :P
But I needed somewhere to go:
jjshafkjsnlkfdfhkajnafajiuncaj I HATE THIS COUGH GO AWAY >.<
It aggravates my chest pains.
My mom knows the drummer for Doc Walker so we took pictures with him.
Leah turned 18 this week so she got to go too lol
And now the guy with the longer hair at the end is a bassist for Harlequin!
And lastly I'm getting a darker green to make the green at the front of my hair not...a ... odd color. Its kinda like a yellow-y green that doesn't look good xD So I should be getting that this week. I'm probably going to try dye my hair some other way. I don't know how I'm going to go about it yet but im hoping I'll figure it out. lol If I find a picture of what I plan on doing Ill post it here. But so far no idea of placement of the colors
Sorry if this was all over the place, I'm tired from the cough medicine. So far its working not coughing a whole lot since I started writing this which was an hour ago lol (*I get distracted a lot* :P )