Of Bonds and Relations: Chapter 2

Jun 30, 2006 09:24

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Seed/Destiny or any of its characters.


This takes place in a world that’s kind of mixed with modern and old. Kind of like ‘Naruto’.

Cars don’t exist in Orb but do outside Orb. (weird...yes, but then it'll work with my plot.)

A steady beat of footsteps echoed throughout the silent hallway.

A woman of the age of 24 pattered past the bathroom and stopped at a door that was a foot away from the narrow stairway. She opened the room door halfway and saw that it was a sunny day. The sunlight made its way inside the room, ignoring the curtain that supposedly put there toblock it out.

The room was decorated with white sheets and walls. Auburn eyes found 2 beds next to each other with a side table to separate them. The one furthest away from her was empty and the sheets were rumpled. The bed nearest to her had a life form occupying it.

Blonde hair stuck out of the thin cotton blanket and she guessed that the woman was on her side.

Lips curved and bare feet entered the room.

As she tip-toed towards the bed, Cagalli made sure that she didn’t make a sound.

Her hand snaked up to the younger blonde’s shoulder and began to shake it.

“Stellar…love, time to get up…” She used a tone that mothers used for their newborns. Cagalli grinned when Stellar turned away from her and on to her other side, facing the window.



Cagalli brought her voice up a notch and shook the shoulder again. This time, eyelids fluttered open to reveal sleepy pink eyes. They glanced around the sunny room and found her dancing auburn eyes. Blinking, Stellar called out,


Since Stellar was still in the process of leaving her dream world, she didn’t realize an item was missing from her bed.


Cagalli laughed as she watched Stellar’s face turn from surprise to confusion to realization to childlike anger.


Stellar threw the blanket off and lunged to the side after Cagalli. The other moved out of the way quickly, making 20 year old Stellar topple into the ground. She ran out of the room and dropped the pillow on her way out.

She closed the door forcefully and leaned against it. Laughter could be heard all the way downstairs and Cagalli didn’t bother to try to stop it. It had been awhile since she heard herself laugh…too long. The blonde slid down to her backside and drew her knees and rested her elbows on them. Her head fell back against the door and she slowed the laughing to call out,

“Hurry up and get decent love! I’m sure mother has breakfast ready!”

A creaking sound of a door opening met her ears and Cagalli looked across the hall.

A 23 year old Miriallia emerged from her sanctuary.

She leaned her right shoulder against the door frame and rubbed her eye with her right hand while having the other on the doorknob.

“You seem happy.”

Cagalli chuckled and looked at her younger sister. She eyed her silk tangerine shorts and t-shirt. Cagalli raised an eyebrow,

“Tolle come over?”

“Yes- WHAT!”

Cagalli started to laugh again but this time, fell over to her side and held her stomach. Miriallia starred at her with widened emerald orbs. She then dashed to the top stair and strained her ear before coming back to Cagalli.

Her face was red from embarrassment and placed her hands on her hips. She exhaled a sharp breathe before speaking.

“Cagalli you jerk! What if mom heard!”

“Then...I’d tell her...that you’re...not a VIRGIN anymore!” The blonde laughed out.

Emerald eyes were widened to the maximum limit because the last words were emitted loudly on purpose.


“Big brother Tolle came over?”

Cagalli stopped laughing and turned over to see that Stellar stood in her doorframe. Miriallia directed her line of gaze to the other blonde.

“No, sweet, he didn’t. Cagalli’s being a stupid pig-head again.”


“Let’s not mention what we girls talked about downstairs, ok? It’s a secret.”

Miriallia had come up in front of Stellar and placed her left hand on her shoulder while placing her right index finger on her lips. Stellar bobbed her head up and down slowly, somewhat understanding what her older sister said. Her lips were shaped into a small ‘o’. Cagalli knew that if their mother found out about Tolle, there would probably be hell to pay.

They looked down at Cagalli, who was laying flat on her back and laughing like mad. Both sets of eyes then looked at each other. Miriallia took her index finger and rolled it at the side of her head, indicating to Stellar that the other blonde and gone mad. Once again they both looked down at Cagalli before going to the washrooms to freshen up.

Meanwhile, Cagalli slowed her laughter down. She didn’t know why she was laughing so hard but it had been a while since that level of laughter came out. The last time she did laugh like that was when her, Lacus and Millie went to the carnival with their father…

Cagalli shook her head violently before descending the staircase.

A young woman with long open pink hair stood at the stove. She wore a white civilian dress with a flowery apron over it. Her hand was occupied with stirring a mixture while the other grabbed the pile of carrots on the counter.
Another woman of the age of 53 was seated at the kitchen table readingsome type of document. Her hands were plastered at the side of her head, indicating she was stressed.

“Where are the gloves?”

A 21 year old woman was kneeling at the cupboards, looking for the orange set of gloves so that her hands wouldn’t come in contact with the dirty dishes.

She wore a white, short-sleeved civilian dress as well but if one took a careful look at her, they would see more. Fllay had a pink mini-skirt and white tank top hidden underneath the long piece of fabric. Her experienced mind told her that her mother wouldn’t approve of what she was wearing.

“Aren’t they under the sink?” Via asked.


“Well, Stellar had them last. You can go ask her.”

“She’s probably still sleeping.”

“Can you go wake her up?”

“Huh? But I’m going to be late!”

Via looked up from her white sheets and at her daughter. A look of confusion was clear on the slightly aging face. She brought her hands down to the surface of the table and folded them.

“For what, Fllay?”

“W-work. It is Tuesday after all.” Lacus lightly shook her head, that had been close. Leave it to Fllay to improvise.

Via’s eyes widened at the revealed fact. Her head dashed back to the sheets in front of her. She got up abruptly, picking up her documents so. This caught the attention of Lacus and Fllay.

“I’m late, I’m late. What’s he going to say?”

Both daughters glanced at each other before looking back at their muttering mother. But she was already out of the kitchen by the time they looked at her. Lacus frowned while setting her stirring spoon aside and turned the stove temperature down before following.


Via looked like she had just woken up. Her jacket was on all wrong, her handbag had items sticking out of it, she was wearing 2 different shoes and currently she was trying to slip in the documents into an envelope.

Lacus figured that the papers must have been important and rushed towards the older woman. She gently took the papers from her and started to tuck them in nicely; making sure that she didn’t get a glimpse of the words. They were obviously private.

Fllay stuck her stead out of the kitchen and gasped when she saw her mother. She closed the distance of 6 feet in record time and commenced to fix her mother up.

“Mom, NEVER go out of the house without consulting me when you’re in a rush.”

Via sighed, “I’m sorry girls but I’m really late.”

“Oh? Where are you going?” Fllay’s nosy side made an appearance and Lacus sighed.

“It’s really none of your concern, Fllay.” She sugar-coated her voice so it was in the nicest tone ever.


“Yes.” The tone was firm from Lacus.

“Girls, thank you so much! I’m really going to miss you-“ A hand smacked a pair of lips.

Fllay raised her eyebrow and Lacus tilted her left ear towards her mother. Via’s eyes were wide with shock and she rushed out of the house, making sure that she took the papers from Lacus. Both daughters watched as their mother rushed in the direction oppisite the village.



Cagalli stretched her arms in the air; waking 2 girls up was hard work.
A quick glance at the clock told her it was nearing 8. In an hour’s time, all 4 girls needed to get out of the house and to their jobs. It was hard to believe that it took them so long just to get adjusted to their new home.

After Siegel had passed away, Gilbert Dullindal (Family lawyer) had come to their house to explain a few matters to them.

Apparently, her father had invested in some toy making company and had lost all of his money. She didn’t understand too well at the time, Cagalli was only 16, but it was bad news for them. Since they were bankrupt, all 6 females had to move to a village far away from their original home.

It was hard at first because they were all used to luxury, especially Fllay and her mother. She had adjusted easily as had Lacus but Fllay, Miriallia, Via and Stellar had trouble.

That was 8 years ago…now they were ok.

All 4 of the older daughters had gotten jobs:

Lacus decided to become a assistant chef at first then switched over to a primary teacher after 3 years. She taught little kids ranging 3-10 years old at the local church. There were many children so the job did suit her, considering she had the most patience amongst the 4.

Cagalli wanted to apply at the Prize Dojo but the manager had told her that she was too young. So then she had the option of joining the clinic as a medical assistant. She never let anyone forget that she wasn’t let into the dojo because she kept insulting the place. After a year, the manager had come to her and negotiated with her. If she stopped insulting his dojo, he would let her work there. She happily agreed.

Miriallia joined the JaO (Justice and Order) squad. It was a small organization that would be equivalent to the police force in any city. Because the village was so small, the people were close-knit and there usually weren’t any big problems. There would be the occasional theft and vandalism. Millie had been promoted to Squad leader #3 2 years ago and that was how she met Tolle.

Fllay, of course, found a clothing store to work in after she had adjusted. Her convincing skills had been polished up to the max and no one could say no to her. Sadly enough, not even their mother. She was able to lie very easily to Via about being single.

Stellar was the only one without a job. Instead, she and Via would stay at home and work. Because of that, Stellar never really grew up…to them, Stellar was still the 11 year old who lost her father…But when Cagalli, Lacus or anyone else went out to the village for some reason or the other, she would accompany them. She had become a social...caterpiller.

“I’m done Lacus! I’m gonna go now.”

Cagalli brought her hands down behind her head and waited at the bottom of the staircase.

Fllay came rushing out of the kitchen and didn’t see Cagalli. She put on her shoes and was about to leave when she saw her older sister from the corner of her eye.

The two women starred at each other; Cagalli lazily and Fllay intensely.



The blonde’s eyes went up and down, surveying the clothes her sister wore.

“Who are you meeting?”

“That’s really none of your business.”

“Oh? I think different.”

“You’re thinking isn’t wanted here.”

“I think it is.”

“Mind your own business Cagalli.”

“You’re seeing Sai again, aren’t you?”

“So what if I am?”

“Didn’t you break up with him?”


“Then why are you going to go see him?”

“Because I want to, and I don’t see why you’re so concerned.”

“Don’t screw around with people, Fllay.”

“Why not? He wants to get back together.”

“You obviously don’t. Why bother meeting him? Are you going to ditch him again for some other guy?”

“Why do you care?”

“Like I said Fllay, don’t screw around with people! Don’t you get that you’re breaking someone’s heart while you’re playing this game!”

“How would you know! Not like you ever had a boyfriend!”

“That’s because I don’t need one!”

“You think I do?”

“Well obviously, you’re a slut!”

Cagalli snapped her jaw shut after realizing what she had said. Lacus stood in the doorframe of the entrance to the kitchen with her mouth slightly open. Even Miriallia and Stellar, who were talking happily on their journey down the stairs, had instantly shut-up. Fllay’s jaw had opened all the way and her blue eyes held fury.

Fllay closed her mouth and took off towards the village.


Lacus had recovered from the scene first. She knew that a lecture wouldn’t do now so instead, she turned her attention to the younger two and ushered them into the kitchen. She gave Cagalli a glance before tending to her other sisters.

Cagalli on the other hand, sighed.


“Don’t bother, Lacus.”

Lacus threw a mildly surprised look towards her walking companion. She was thinking about give Cagalli a talk. The one where one person (usually the older one) tells the other (usually younger or stupider) what they did wrong.

“I’ve known you for 24 years.”

Lacus chuckled before responding with a,

“Don’t fiddle with your dress, Cagalli.”

The blonde looked up at her. Lacus knew that she didn’t like wearing skirts or dresses but this was a special case where she didn’t have a choice. Their mother wanted them to seem as lady-like as possible. So everyday, when the 4 would go out to their jobs or for a walk, they were required to wear the civilian dress.

“Why did we have to be so isolated from the village? Why didn’t mom just rent an apartment above a store? That way we wouldn’t have to wear these damn things.”

“Language, Cagalli.”


Both women stopped and looked to their left. They had arrived at the church where Lacus worked. The pink haired woman looked over the blonde one,

“Be careful on your way.”

“Don’t worry about it; I can take care of myself.” Cagalli put her hand halfway up and waved.

“DO NOT walk home by yourself, alright? I’ll come pick you up.”

Lacus closed her eyes and smiled.

“I won’t. I’ll be waiting here at…”

“Umm…” Cagalli tapped her chin. “I’ll be getting off at 4 today.

“Alright then. Have a safe trip.”

Lacus waved to her while walking to the entrance of the church. Tons of little kids came to greet her and Cagalli knew that as her cue to leave.

So the blonde made her way to the village, which was about 10 minutes away, fiddling with her dress as she did.


A 23 year old brown haired male looked up from his paperwork. He smiled when he saw his girlfriend standing in her patrol uniform. It consisted of a blue attire.

“Hey sweet.” A smile was formed when those words were said.

“We need to go to the Jones farm.”

Tolle frowned, “Why?”

“Jones called and said that there might be someone hiding in his tool shed.”

“Really? Did he check?”

“No, he wants us to check.”

Tolle chuckled, “Alright. I guess he’s not over that other incident yet, huh?”

Miriallia joined in on her boyfriend’s chuckling as well. “I suppose not.”

“Well then, shall we go?”

Tolle walked around his desk and took Miriallia’s arm before leading her out.

“We need to be careful with this one, Tolle.”

Tolle waved her concern away with his free arm.

“Of course.”

Next chapter preview:

“What do you mean? What happened to Tolle!”

“M’am! Please, you can’t go in there!”


“Fllay…do you really want to be with me?”

“…What makes you say that?”

“Are you going to leave me for that guy again?”


“Stellar likes this one!”

“S-Stellar? Is that really you?”


“How should I tell them…that I've already arranged their marriages?"
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