Of Bonds and Relationships

Jun 08, 2006 21:44

Title: Of Bonds and Relationships
Fandom: Gundam SEED/Destiny
Rating: So far, PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam SEED/Destiny or any of its characters.

5 sisters lost a father. 5 sisters move away to try to heal. 5 sisters are told by mother that they are to get engaged to men they've never met. [AU]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Seed/Destiny

A/N: I'm experimenting with a world where there isn't much pollution. So if you get confused...you're not alone ^^
“Father…do roses have a reason to be beautiful?”
7 year old Lacus Clyne was crouched down to level with a soft white rose. She tilted her pink head at the sight and awaited her father’s answer.

“Of course, little lady.”

38 year old Siegel Clyne stood behind his eldest daughter in a white suit, in their backyard. He looked around the green area for his other two.

In front of Lacus was in entire row of roses that reached out to the side limits of the yard. The colours were ranged from white to red. Behind the flowers were healthy hedges that were grown into a maze. To Siegel’s right were different types of flowers sticking out of the ground. Behind the two was their beautiful mansion a ways away.


Siegel turned his attention to the girl and tried to word his answer so her mind would comprehend it.

“Tell me something little lady. Would…you look at a shrivelled up brown flower?”

Siegel reached down and plucked the rose. Lacus angled her head towards him, a child’s confusion evident on her young face.

“…No…?” Her innocent voice made him smile.

“And why not?”

Lacus had opened her mouth to speak when a shriek cut her off. The two Clynes looked towards the entrance of the hedge.

“No Cagalli! Mommy said we shouldn’t get our dresses dirty!”

A 5 year old Miriallia Clyne came running out of the maze’s entrance in a spotless yellow dress. The sewn piece of fabric stopped at her knees and had small sleeves. It was designed to look like a long t-shirt than a dress. Behind the brunette came another girl of the age of 6, named Cagalli Clyne in an identical dress.

Instead of having a clean, yellow dress, Cagalli had on a brown-spotted light green dress. Her small face matched her dress and her right arm was positioned as though she was going to throw something.


By now, Lacus had stood up and Miriallia found a shelter from Cagalli’s attack.

The eldest had her hands set up in front of her that told Cagalli to stop. The blonde stopped in her tracks, not wanting to get her sister’s lilac dress dirty.


Lacus’ warning tone was all that was needed for Cagalli to lower her hand. Siegel saw that a ball of dirt was in her small hands.

He dug inside his pants pocket and came up with a plain handkerchief. His legs carried him over to Cagalli and bent down to wipe her face. He held her shoulder with his free hand to make sure that she wouldn’t move.

A sound of protest met his ear when Siegel knocked the dirt out of her hands. Auburn eyes widened when she realized that her precious dirt was not in her grasp anymore.

“Father, no!”

His grasp went back to holding her shoulder and he started to rub her cheek, making her close an eye. Cagalli tried to pull away but met with failure.

“Honestly Princess, I think that you’re my son rather than my daughter. You should thank your mother for trying her best to make you look like a girl. Why don’t you grow your hair out a little?”

“Yes Cagalli. Then you can be more ladylike, like Miriallia and I.”

Lacus appeared at her father’s side, holding her younger sister’s hand. Cagalli shook her head vigorously, “No lady!”

Miriallia’s face was red from running; it was a hard task to get away from the second oldest child. She panted quietly and hid behind Lacus again, just in case Cagalli had more dirt hidden from them.

The huffing didn’t escape the man and he looked at his Miri while holding Cagalli’s face in his hand,

“Are you alright, Miri?”

His features showed concern for the child. Miriallia managed to nod from behind Lacus. Siegel grinned and patted the top of her head with one hand. He turned back to Cagalli and poked her nose with enough force that she fell backwards, who thrashed her arms around to keep balance.

He laughed as he caught his daughter before she fell on her backside. The blonde frowned and shrunk her mouth as a reponse.


All 4 of the Clynes turned towards the back door.

3 year old Fllay Clyne came running towards the male in her pale pink dress. Her tied up mass of red hair swung side to side.

Siegel released Cagalli and opened his arms for Fllay to jump in. She jumped and he caught her, kissing her cheek as he did so.

“How was shopping with mommy, fairy?”

“Fun! Mommy bought Lacus and Miri new dresses. She got Stellar and me new dolls!” Fllay’s face was bright as the sun above them.

Siegel saw Cagalli sink slightly from the corner of his eyes.

“What did mommy get for Princess?”


Fllay threw her a glance before looking at Siegel.

“She got her a necklace.”

Siegel gave off a small, sad grin before letting the girl down. It truly was a shame that Cagalli and Fllay didn’t a bond as strong as Cagalli and Lacus. He hoped that things would work out when they were older.

A soft giggle broke into his thoughts.

Siegel shook his head lightly before looking up. He found 35 year old Via Clyne and a 2 year old Stellar in her arms. Her face was bright as Fllay’s and the baby clapped a couple of times when she saw everyone.



“Mother!” “Mother.”

All 3 of the oldergirls ran towards the woman and Fllay hopped out of his arms. Instead of running, she skipped, considering that she had spent a good hour or so with the brunette.

His wife dipped down and kissed 3 foreheads. Her gaze then travelled up to meet his. Siegel smiled and walked over to her.

The brunette grinned and got up. She walked over to him and briefly stopped before leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

Both were oblivious to the sounds around them as they entered a world or their own. He broke away first because he felt a tug on his moustache. His blue eyes looked down.

His youngest still had her fingers on his upper lip. Her mouth was off to the side, unsmiling. It was as though she was asking why he wasn’t paying attention to her.

He smiled and took her out of Via’s arms and spun around, holding her high up in the air. She closed her eyes and laughed a childish laugh. Her eyes were closed and when she opened them, he saw that her pink orbs were dancing. Her tiny arms flapped around, signalling that she liked the ride.

Siegel noticed that she wore a dark blue dress that also ended at her knees. He looked at his other girls.

Lacus and Miriallia were looking a caterpillar and the latter seemed a bit frightened. Fllay and Cagalli had started to bicker about nicknames.

“Daddy loves me more! He calls me fairy!”

“That’s because you told him to call you that! He made up Princess all by himself!”

The male frowned and pulled Stellar safely into his arms. He was about to go over to the fighting pair of girls but Via beat him to them. It was without a doubt that Fllay started it.

After the task was accomplished, Via came back to him.

“Via…where did the dresses come from?”

That question had been bothering him for a while. Via looked at her husband.

“Do you remember Mr. Neider and Mrs. Andras? They gave them as a gift for the girls’ birthdays.”


Siegle nodded and glanced down at Cagalli, who had been pulling at his pants.

“Cagalli wants to hold Stellar.”

He smiled at his daughter’s habit of changing tenses when she referred to herself. Stellar blinked at him and motioned towards Cagalli.


Siegel tipped her towards Cagalli and transferred the baby over.

Cagalli held Stellar firmly in her arms and stuck her tongue out Fllay before telling the younger blonde a story. She walked past Miriallia and Lacus so they wouldn’t be overhead. Fllay glared at the back of Cagalli’s head before sticking her nose in the air and walking off to get her dolls.

“Oh, Siegel! Stellar’s dress is going to become dirty!”

Before Via could rush over to the blondes, Siegel wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She looked at him with a frown and he merely grinned at her,

“Let them be.”

Via sighed and went back to watching her daughters.

Lacus was telling Miriallia something that held her interest. Miriallia looked at the older girl with keen interest. Fllay had seated herself by Miriallia’s feet and was content with playing with her newly bought dolls. She would occasionally look up at Lacus then diverted her attention back to her dolls. Cagalli had sat down with Stellar in front of her and played ‘Pat-A-Cake’ with her poking her nose once in a while, which made Stellar giggle and clap.

Siegel chuckled and said to Via,

“Will you promise me something?”


“Make sure my girls are always happy.”

25 year old Lacus Clyne jolted up from her bed.
She brought her hands to the sides of her head and winced.

That was the clearest memory she had of them all being together and happy. It bugged her though, she could not think of any other memories.

Lacus opened her eyes and found that it was still dark but nearing daybreak. She wore a deep purple nightgown with long sleeves so she didn’t wince when a strong wind blew through, making their curtains fly.

The woman slid out of her bed that she shared with another and made her way around the bed. Before she walked towards the open window, she covered up the body on the bed. The covers had blown away, revealing the 24 year old Cagalli.

She had a peaceful expression on her face, oblivious to the problems that plagued them now. Lacus smiled and made her way towards the window.

Her feet didn’t make a sound as she padded across the room. She reached up and brought the glass down by the end rim.

“Make sure my girls are always happy.”

Lacus could feel tears forming at the corners of her blue eyes.

“Mom’s trying her best father…if only you were still here with us.”

She whispered the words, not wanting Cagalli to wake up. A tear trailed down her face and splattered on the floor. Lacus slipped back into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

A pair of auburn eyes opened and reached for her sister's hand.

"Thank you Lacus...for taking care of us."
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