I felt it was time to add my two cents in, as t seems the rest of the country is. As for the ronald reagen comment matt, you are so ignorant of your own hisotry. people around the world know more hten you do about your own country. its disgusting, and you should be embarresed. Matt, you have nbo understanding of anything at all.
The stuff abut being born into religion is stupid. Thats what your confimration is. As im sure you dont know matt, when you get your confirmation into the catholic faith, you are doing jsut that, confrming that you accept the faith. you could have walked away, so could jim. Jim chose to accept his faith, as did i, and as can you. As for brining up stuff like people dying, im not saying that it is a good thing. but God decides who lives and who dies and f you were a Christian, you would understand that to wish they were still here or still be upset that their gone is selfish. ther are truly in a much better place. there better off with God then here with us. Stop being selfish. Only a fool would say their is no reason for people to die, since God decided a long time ago why it owul dhappeh and we will never no. People die and people are born, and bad things are going to happen to people. For someoen so concerned about the welfare of people ive never seen you at a homeless shelter or walking to find a cure for cancer. Anyone in this country who cannont afford to eat has no one to blame but themselves. Tahts what America is. eveyrone gets a chance and some will inecitably fuck it up. I will give alms to the poor, but its not my fault they are poor. its not my fault the rest of the world is poor either. my family worked hard, came to America, wokred harder, and built the family up. they can do the same.
As for not wanting ot talk about it matt thats is part of your problem as soon as somehingt seems complicated you shut off, not wanting to try to figure it out. ive tried to help and and im still willing to help and always iwll be, but you need to be willing to come out of your shell.
As for the entire debate on gay marraige i will just say a few things. 1, the bible is the indisbutable Word of God. no questoins asked.
If i am wrong, and God really doenst mind that gay people marry, then i have sinned against man and will repent to God when I die. but, IF I AM RIGHT, then will all of the gay peole in the world be able to trly admit to God that their lifstyle is wrong, and that it is a sin? if you cant, then your going to hell. Either way my conscience is clear. is yours? RIght now today i am willing to go to God and admit all my sins, can you?
As for Ronald Reagan, if your own political bias precvents you from seeing how great he was then ill let you live in your own world. You are ignorant to history, and cant see beyond your own bias. calling it a big stink is insulting.
As for me, I am a Christian and I do my best to be a good one. No one understands that the Christian faith is not something you can just claim to be part if. nor is it something you are born into. its a way of living your life, and you have to choose whether you do. Sinning against God and living yoru life according ot your own ideas about morality and not God's is not being a Christian, your insulting the fiath. Going to church every sunday is irrelavant. Beleife in God and the Word of God, and admiting yor sins to God and asking for figiveness, and more important living a life for the wlell being of others and not your oown sexual interestes as what the fiath is all aobut. You choose to accept it.
i cant even believe how angry this whole comment made me. "people around the world know more hten you do about your own country. its disgusting, and you should be embarresed. Matt, you have nbo understanding of anything at all. " seriously leave the boy alone. why are you attacking him. maybe his priorities are different from yours, its none of your business and its not your place to judge him. and this one, "Anyone in this country who cannont afford to eat has no one to blame but themselves." come on. i hope you read this and realize how much of a jerk you are. i am sure you think you are so much better than homeless people because you are more determined or whatever. basically you are saying that poor people are just to lazy and its there own fault they are poor. maybe some of them are but that is such a horribly ignorant generalization it makes me sick.
The stuff abut being born into religion is stupid. Thats what your confimration is. As im sure you dont know matt, when you get your confirmation into the catholic faith, you are doing jsut that, confrming that you accept the faith. you could have walked away, so could jim. Jim chose to accept his faith, as did i, and as can you. As for brining up stuff like people dying, im not saying that it is a good thing. but God decides who lives and who dies and f you were a Christian, you would understand that to wish they were still here or still be upset that their gone is selfish. ther are truly in a much better place. there better off with God then here with us. Stop being selfish. Only a fool would say their is no reason for people to die, since God decided a long time ago why it owul dhappeh and we will never no. People die and people are born, and bad things are going to happen to people. For someoen so concerned about the welfare of people ive never seen you at a homeless shelter or walking to find a cure for cancer. Anyone in this country who cannont afford to eat has no one to blame but themselves. Tahts what America is. eveyrone gets a chance and some will inecitably fuck it up. I will give alms to the poor, but its not my fault they are poor. its not my fault the rest of the world is poor either. my family worked hard, came to America, wokred harder, and built the family up. they can do the same.
As for not wanting ot talk about it matt thats is part of your problem as soon as somehingt seems complicated you shut off, not wanting to try to figure it out. ive tried to help and and im still willing to help and always iwll be, but you need to be willing to come out of your shell.
As for the entire debate on gay marraige i will just say a few things. 1, the bible is the indisbutable Word of God. no questoins asked.
If i am wrong, and God really doenst mind that gay people marry, then i have sinned against man and will repent to God when I die. but, IF I AM RIGHT, then will all of the gay peole in the world be able to trly admit to God that their lifstyle is wrong, and that it is a sin? if you cant, then your going to hell. Either way my conscience is clear. is yours? RIght now today i am willing to go to God and admit all my sins, can you?
As for Ronald Reagan, if your own political bias precvents you from seeing how great he was then ill let you live in your own world. You are ignorant to history, and cant see beyond your own bias. calling it a big stink is insulting.
As for me, I am a Christian and I do my best to be a good one. No one understands that the Christian faith is not something you can just claim to be part if. nor is it something you are born into. its a way of living your life, and you have to choose whether you do. Sinning against God and living yoru life according ot your own ideas about morality and not God's is not being a Christian, your insulting the fiath. Going to church every sunday is irrelavant. Beleife in God and the Word of God, and admiting yor sins to God and asking for figiveness, and more important living a life for the wlell being of others and not your oown sexual interestes as what the fiath is all aobut. You choose to accept it.
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