Until Dyson pulled it from her, I didn't realize
Piper was so angry with me. I don't know how I couldn't have seen it. I've been so wrapped up in this quest to first vanquish Barbas, then any other threat to my sons. I've neglected her, left her alone when she needed my help. That's unforgivable. I love her so much -- how could I treat her like that?
She was right when she said I need to stop focusing on the bad and concentrating on the good. While I've been running around I've missed watching my sons grow up. I've missed her.
I feel better now that Dyson's pulled my anger out of me. But it's not a real cure. It's like when I masked Piper's feelings of grief with magic -- just a momentary fix-it. I have to deal with the real issues.
//Firewalled against everyone//
They know Zola is missing. They think it was me. Everything's changed now -- I know I should learn from what Dyson pulled out of me, but...I still don't know who I can trust up there.
I saw that thing again. Don't trust anyone, it told me. I know I shouldn't listen to it, but it's right.
//End firewall//