Oct 28, 2007 14:21
Well now that uni is over, i've been encouraged to think about some sort of businessish thing to keep my occupied and hey.. money isnt bad either.. (ps ty tuck!)
i have a couple of ideas and i'd love some feedback.. for my mum and my bro i'm putting together a combination fitness/other use diary.. i've had a wide variety of fitness diaries over the years.. and i always had the same issue.. i couldnt actually use it for work or anything else, and none of them have ever had enough space to write in other things i wanted to keep a track of, appointments, annual leave, etc etc etc.
so for my bro and my mum i'm putting together a calender dated diary for next year, as mum needs to get more in to fitness for her health and my brother is quite the athlete (he organised a charity ride from sydney to canberra and came in hours before anyone else).. but both of them work in the corporate environment so a simple to use no stress diary might just be the thing.. and i can design and make it myself (i have a lot of printing contacts so it will be done professionally)..
for a more of a business thing, i'm thinking a shorter - 3-4 month version (undated so you could use it anytime)..
info i'm including - so far at least will be the ability to track:
exercise, food, water, sleep, mood, stress levels, appointments, other things (eg maybe you want to track numbers of cigarettes and compare to your stress levels that day), as well as being able to reflect on each day, plan for the next day.
also a lot of information sections - given that i was a professional coach (thats right.. i got paid for it) and did a degree in science, a lot of the health, nutrition etc things.
but also other tings like - public holiday, where the moon is, yearly calender, finance area (it was amazing to work out how much i spent on junk food and cigarettes!), quotes of the day/week (havent worked out which yet) personal info, measurements and recordings sections, etc etc - obviously some wouldnt work for a generic diary), personal bests..
so.. feedback i'd like..
if you had one, would you use it? what things would you like in it? what things would you not want/use?
at this stage i'm planning on printing them a5 size, spiral bound, and while the covers will be thick enough to be durable, i'm also thinking of making them their own little bags or something.
my ideas for marketing include the obvious online abilities and taking it to major sporting chains like rebel sports, and bookshops like whitcoulls, borders etc
but first, i need to develop my prototypes and iron out any issues.. :-p
haha and let me know if any of you would like such a diary for next year, i'm talking to printers in the next couple of days to work out pricing.. but the more i get, the cheaper it would be..
oh.. and my other business thing that is more likely to make it, is producing health and safety plans for aussie companies - given my previous work associations here it would be hard in nz.. but given that i've already had one contract to do so and they were 'bowled over' by my flash of genius, i have the potential to infiltrate their subcontractors for a potentially lucrative side project to raising liv!