Aug 04, 2007 00:42
Heeeey y'alls! It's strange dream telling time! Yeah, so in the past two days, I've had really random dreams that just make me laugh.
So day before yesterday, I had an odd dream I have told some of you out of boredom and it goes somewhat like this:
My friend and I walked into a mall that i've never been to before, and went into a stationery store. We saw a normal door in the back of the little, miniscule room and against my principles (when i'm awake), walked right through. We were transported into an unknown world. When we looked around, we saw a dimly-lit room of cold tile. It was strangely silent. We walked around and eventually came upon a little pool in the back of the place. When we peered in, we saw a school of brightly colored koi. They looked much like normal koi, until they started talking. And then my friend and I realized that one of them was Jesus in the form of a fish. At this point we realized that we needed to get back to our own dimension and asked Jesus for some help. He said nothing, and we exasperatedly walked around some more until we found a beautiful globe. It had an alluring gloss to it and when we touched it, we were sucked into yet another world. [I don't remember the world, so forget that] We eventually were sucked back out, and the Jesus-fish told us that he'd send us back home if we could convince an alien not to invade Earth while we were underwater. Of course, my friend and i had to agree, so we dunked ourselves underwater and waited for the alien. Sure enough, a typical-looking, almond-headed, algae-green alie appeared above the water. We tried in vain to speak to it, but as one would expect, we could only garble out nothingness. But one way or another, we eventually started to play with the alien. We poked it, and it poked back harder. and harder. and harder. it started to hurt. The we prayed to Jesus to help, and then the alien disappeared and we were back, dry, on land. He told us the way back to the door, and we left. We walked through the door and we were back in the stationery store. Then I ditched my friend and started to fly around the mall. I saw some of my friends and two of them and i had a race. me with my flying, and the other two with some gadgets or another. I won, and at the end of our finishing point i saw some more friends. and then i flew back to the stationery store. i walked back into the dimension-portal-door thing and saw some friends doing something like yoga on some mats on the the floor. and i walked back out. Well, I was in a stationery store then so i looked for those squishy, gel-grip pencils - and of course they didn't have it...My family came for me after that and i was about to go home when i woke up.
I don't really remember much of yesterday's dream, but I dreamt that I went to my friend's house for her birthday party (which is actually day after tomorrow), except her house was a giant mansion. And when we went in it was GIGANTIC. okay whatever. but that's nothing compared to her backyard. There was a icy MOUNTAIN RANGE in her backyard! and part of her party was to let people hike through it. So I was wandering around by myself and i thought i was gonna die because i nearly fell into a deep chasm. Later, all the missionites filed into a large assembly room for some meeting or another. It was like a concert hall with velvety, wine-red carpets and soft, cushy chairs. I was late and had to sit waaaay in the back away from anyone i really knew. It suuuucked. Well after the boring blah blah speeches, we filed down some stairs into a smaller, less extravagant room. The carpet was split into two sections - one side red, the other side blue. Apparently there was a red group and a blue group, and since i was late, i had no idea where to go. I asked my supposed friends, but they didn't know where i was supposed to go. I eventually bumped into my neighbor, and I asked him, and he said that he came to the house by Diggle Way or something and so he was in the Red Group. I remembered that I went to my friend's house to Diggle Way too, so I joined the Red Group, still kinda unsure if that was the right place to go. After all, who separates people by the street they go on to go to her house? and then i woke up.
Weeeeird and inane dreams. I think I may have a psychological problem here...
YAH so anywhoooo i went rock climbing today with a few friends who were also on the youth rock climbing team. We had lots o' FUN! After joining in June, I've improved and it makes me happy. I can now flash a 5.9! I know that's not a great accomplishment, but to me it is. Now only to actually do a 5.10-...Anyway, it's nice to actually have friends who enjoy rock climbing too. It's rather irritating not being able to go because practically all your friends either don't like it or are afraid of heights... Anyone want to climb? =D
Heading off to Europe soon. I'm just hoping that the seats on the plane will be comfortable. =.= But it'll be fun seeing my relatives again. I haven't seen one of my cousins for a year, since she's from Hong Kong. You might remember her, parfait. she's salad. and i'll see my sister from sd for the first time since winter break last year. she didn't go with us to Japan last summer, since she doesn't like the fact that they still practice whaling. =1 in that case, i shouldn't go to Alaska...but I like Alaska~!
I really needa kick my sister's posterior because she's playing a stupid RPG. She should be working on the threadless design!! imustgetmycutmuahahaha. just kidding. But if she ever submits her design, i'll be sure to post it. f'sho!