Mar 01, 2005 03:16
It's amazing what you don't know about your "best friends." You always hang around certain ones and stuff and only get to hear one side of all the stories. Then when you see your other friends, you learn so much more, even things that you would never believe. I'm talking about NEVER believe or EVER think of that that certain person or people would do. It's really really really crazy how people do these things to their own friends. Why? Who knows why, I seriously now think that some peoples minds are only set to make other people mad, or jealous, or crazy, or who knows. The craziest thing is that it all deals with guys and girls. There is always a problem somewhere in the whole loop of someone goes out with a girl, and she meets his friends, then alot of stuff happens. It even happens the other way around. A girl could like this guy that shes known for a long time, been great friends, but when he meets her friends, he finds out that he really really likes one of them. I mean, yeah, you can't help being attracted to someone. I don't know what to do about the whole thing really, but I know that it sucks. People do things behind other peoples back, even to or with their best friends. Even if you don't consider it behind their backs, why would you do it in secret? Whats so wrong about it that you can't tell your friends, or even your family. Something has to be wrong then. Like I was saying earlier about hearing all sides of the stories and whatnot. It's really crazy what you learn. When you only hear the one side of the story from the person that you are with more, you really think that it's true, and that the other person is messed up for doing that and you don't understand. Then you hang out with that other person, and learn their side, and WOW, it's nuts what you never knew. Alot has just been running through my mind lately. Too much i'd say, but i'm still okay. Everything just seems to have fallen apart. Ray and Los's date to leave came so fast, all the fighting and arguing in the bros, everything is just starting to break down. We're losing our friends, whether it's to their jobs or to their hate. Everyone is always wrong at one point in their lives, and thats what is killing us right now. Noone will accept being wrong, and noone will forgive because some people have been hurt so much. What really sucks is that there is really nothing that I can do about it. I feel broken myself. Not really broken, but just like something is missing. That feeling you get when you think you really really like someone, but you feel like they have no feeling at all back towards you. You just feel lost, hopeless, sort of dead, and dreadful. Why has life come to this part? Everything at one time is just killing me. Ray and Los leaving is really killing me. I won't be able to zone/drink/sing/party/call/or even hang out with them for at least five months. That is just really hard for me to realize for some reason. I will miss Ray and Los, and I will be so glad when they come back to visit, but it's a good step for them, they are moving on with their lives, a step in a good direction for them. I'm glad they are actually trying to make something of their lives instead of dicking around like some of us, including myself, but I think I have my stuff straightened out now. Thoughts can really get to you though, I guess thats the whole point of this entry. Thoughts can breakdown a person, whether they turn out to be true or not, they just seem to get to me really deep.
Still <3 the Bros, always will.
Recent stuff that I never updated....Party at danny's for ray and los's last weekend was nuts. 315$ on drinks, WOW thats nuts. LOL. I love them nuggas. Taste of chaos was fucking awesome. The mosh pits destroyed me, maine, ray, and los so bad. Los's knee started to hurt real bad that he got out. Me, maine, and ray stayed in and stayed shoving. My body was sore for at least 3 days after the concert still. We've been hanging out with all these girls lately and I love it. They are really awesome. Sara and Gabby of course, christina, megan, jamie, kim, all them are so funny and so fucking awesome. I'm glad that we hang out. That's about it for now I guess. Ian and Aron are here, Ian is sleeping with maine and Aron is sleeping with me. Once again, what an interesting and mind playing night. What will come of us?
Can't wait until this weekend, hopefully another great one with the bros and girls.
If they want to hang out with us that is.
Tatoo soon, I'm hoping.