Feb 17, 2005 17:25
Welcome there neighbor, I know why you're here, and it isn't for the cookies. You're here for my sporadic at best update. I've been in North Carolina for the past couple of days visiting my girlfriend. Driving up there was nice. No real traffic. No rain. Most importantly though... no speeding tickets. It wasn't without it's hitches though. Here is my favorite, I left my house at 6:30 in the morning and it was a whole 25 degrees outside. My Jeep doesn't have heat and is constantly stuck in AC mode. Needless to say the inside was cold as hell. My upper body was all fine because I had about three layers of clothing and a wool cap on. My feet and legs on the other hand... let's just say that when I got into NC I finally had to pull over and put on an extra pair of socks because I lost all feeling from the knees down.
Spending time with my girlfriend was a lot of fun. I had a hotel room all set up and we spent most of the time watching DVD's and spending what little money I had left in my account. :) It was also around this time my Jeep started to make some odd noises and I had to put in some more oil. I went to Catawba and met some of her friends, some of my friends, and the ladies down in the office.I got to see brownridercat which was all kinds of fun... I even got a kiss on the cheek!!!!!! *Swoons and faints*
Now here comes the best part of the whole experience, I made it through NC and onto 81 when I pulled into a gas station to fill up and check my oil again. Well, it needed more. Which is what I gave it. Everything was all fine well and good until I pulled into a rest stop on mile marker 232. A whole 76 miles from where I needed to get off. I hadn't eaten anything all day so I pulled in there to get my snack food from the back, when suddenly, the engine goes out. Ok, nothing new there, I got my food and slid back into the seat, started up the engine, and listened to the most awful squealing I'd ever heard. I looked around to see if it was just me... it wasn't. I turned it off and just figured it was tired and needed a break. I waited for about 20 min and then got in it, started it up, and there it was again. I decided to try and risk making it to the next gas station and put more oil in it. It was that wonderful sound of metal against metal. I got about three feet from where I had parked when I started to see smoke coming out of the hood. I pulled off the acceleration ramp, turned it off, and popped the hood to be greeted by the sight of a nice plume of smoke belching from the engine. It was dead. I waited about an hour and some change when my dad came and got me. The jeep is now in the junk yard.
Last but not least, I leave in less than two weeks. That is all.