Aug 13, 2004 15:38
For those select few of you that don't know where I've been the past couple of days, I've been in New York. It was the first long drive that I've ever done by myself and it was rather scary to say the least. It took me about ten hours to arrive where I was supposed to be. My knee was acting up so I had to stop whenever I could to keep my leg from screaming at me for too long. Other than that, it was a uneventful drive. I went to Ashley's house, my now girlfriend, but at the time not... and stayed there for a week. A bit longer than I had orginally planned. Oh well.
Yesterday I decided to make the drive back, and this time I had a big ass storm to motivate me to go faster. Much... much faster. I was doing 85 whenever I could get the chance so that cut my trip down to just shy of seven hours. Got hit by the storm twice so that slowed me down some. Couldn't see crap in that storm. Literally, I had trouble seeing the hood of my car. I kept on trucking though. I got home and started relaxing. Now I'm just waiting for the big ass storm to roll through so I can go back to college. *claps happily* Other than that, all is well. Glad not to be single again. I hate being single.... hate it... hate it.... hate it... *waves* Bye bye all you happy people.