More Military news.

May 24, 2004 16:08

Yep, it's the military, if you don't want to hear it then you know what to do. If you're interested... you're talking to the right guy. :)

Ok, so I missed my drill this month and I have to make it up. Not a problem, I RST it. Well, one of my Sgts tells me to show up in my PT uniform at 0800 for a good old fashioned sweat session. Sounds good to me, well, until I show up and notice that everybody that comes to the unit is in BDUs. I go over and talk to the Sgt to see what's going on. No PT today. *blink* Very well. I then realize that I'm missing some stuff from my BDU uniform, so I hunt down the same Sgt and end up talking to him for about half an hour about my up coming promotion. I have to get a waiver from my commander and then my packet will be set up to the sgt board for review. He seems to think I will get it though. So, that was the good news. Oh yeah, I also learn that my commander will have no problem signing my release papers for me to go active duty.

Now moving on the the news that made my day a bit more complicated. I talk to my recruiter and he tells me that my original plan wasn't going to work. So, I had to some thinking. I talked to a crap load of people and finally got a decent answer. I have to get my release papers signed, then I have to go back to the MEPS station, get another physical, and then reenlist Active duty, only to hopefully get the MOS that I want. So, that will be a bit of a hassle, but nothing I can't handle. However, what was a kick in the nuts was that my recruiter told me that active duty might not accept my E-5 rank and drop me back to an E-4. So, if that's the case I won't worry about the five. However, if they will accept it, then I'll hold off on shipping until I get my Sgt. stripes. Ummmm... I think that is really about it. Oh yeah, I was offered a Lt. slot if I just got my associates degree, but I don't wnat to be an ammo humping Lt. so I think I will wait. Ok, leave me some stuff. I'll go try and calm down my barking dogs.
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