Well I've been oggling a Littlefee Shiwoo...
then I found
this guy His full set is the same price as just the doll from Fairyland.
He's adorable and has a soft smile. I really love those big eyes and just love the shape of the head! If I wanted just the normal pink with out faceup, he runs about $185 + shipping. <3
Here goes the mind shifties XD hahaha You guys know me, I find something I like and then POOF... my want list expands and my first doll changes. :P
Although.. I'm tempted to do the tan skin... nah... just the normal pink or normal yellow would be fine. :)
And Denverdoll carries him! *happeh faec*
I have played with a Dollzone, heck, he's sitting in my lap with a tan wig on. (Reed! XD )
Anyone know about their tinies though? this little guy looks adorable!