Nov 03, 2006 23:29
I have done a complete 180 from where I was at the beginning of this year. I'm pretty sure that this year has gone by way too fast. I did alot of growing up, and then I did alot of growing away from people. My best friends have changed. I've changed. It's been for the better of course. It was hard. I had a really, really hard time there for awhile. I was even on Zoloft briefly. I hit a rough spot in March and I didnt go to class, like at all. That's when I decided it was time to move home. I finished out the spring semester on academic probation for the second time. I was back home. I was dating what seemed to be a wonderful guy at the time, yet everything seemed to be headed in a downward spirl. I got the chance to go to Peru in May and expierence a completely different way of life...awesome stuff there. I never thought I would miss ice cubes in my water so much til I got on the plane back and the stewardess was like, "do you want ice with your water?"...heck ya, I want ice..haha. I got back and then I promptly backed my bags and went off to girl scout camp, for what is now I'm sure, my last summer because I dont think they will have it next summer...bigger and better things I spose. I finally hit rock bottom, hit my breaking point midway thru summer and I came out swinging cus my back was against the wall. I was "back". I was back to normal again. Phew, took long enough because honestly, I didnt know how much more I could take, or my friends take, of me being a pushover... I started my fall semester, broke up with my boyfriend, and proceeded to do a lot of partying. It was my way of dealing with the break up. I started doing youth group at the church. I started getting busy. I liked a few guys...but they just became friends in the end... I finally learned the hard way that when you push too hard, it doesnt work. I found a balance between doings things at church and doing things with friends... finally. I'm off the the sense of I was always a fence sitter when it came to God. I changed myspace all the freakin time, but hey, it's all good. I like Uaaah.. I made more friends this semester. I got outside more. I played football, I talked about things I thought more often. I started listening to country...haha, never thought that would happen. I swore I wouldn't... but things change. I saw my family in Texas for the first time in 10 challenge.. seeing Dawne and Kiera, my two oldest sisters...I learned that my sister is adopting a little girl from Korea. I learned that families are definitely the most dysfunctional things ever sometimes, but it's the fact that they're there when you need them most. I've had fewer and fewer "bad" days. I have mostly good ones now. I'm finally happy with Shepherd because I picked a major... granted its going to take a little while to get out because I have to wait for the classes to cycle thru.. that's real big hurry. I remembered that if you want things done right the first time, you gotta do'em yourself. I learned to apprieciate what I have been given. I got my ass in gear in the sense that I started thinking about the future... i.e. interpreting job possibilities and taking this test I took yesterday at JMU (which btw, was a piece of cake, I definitely over studied). I have a distaste for meatloaf since I upchucked it in August at camp when I got heat exhaustion. I comtemplated joining a sorority... I still might. Who knows... I prefer busy over bored... and i think it would keep busy on top of the 5 classes and probably two jobs next semester... you know. I discovered the wonders of Coldstone Creamery...Borders runs.. and just the fact that family is the best cure for when the world seems like it's going to crumble unless it's your family that's going to make your world crumble.. then it's just you and the bottle of Tequila.. haha jk..
Overall...2006 you were a learning expierence. I loved it. I hated it. I enjoyed. but I definitely learned from it. Hopefully 2007 proves to be even better.