Deathly Hallows and lots of Harry Potter love

Jul 26, 2007 22:32

Where do I start? I loved it. I thought it was just sublime. JK really outdid herself on this one! Even though its not my favourite of the entire series, I still think its absolutely awesome. There are some things that made me upset (a certain death in particular) but not enough to make me loathe it like some people do. Don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read it, so proceed under the cut to read more.

I actually like how the Trio didn't go back to Hogwarts like normal. It made it so different from the previous books, which it had to be really. And O.M.G. how awesome was Snape?! I had a feeling all along that he was good, but to see the whole back story. Wow. That was fantastic. I just can't get over the tragedy of it. Just think, every single time Harry thought that Snape was staring into his eyes out of anger or hatred, he was actually looking at Lily's eyes. Oh my gosh its so tragic. It just shows how Dumbledore was right all along and love was what would defeat Voldemort in the end. I also thought it was interesting seeing Dumbledore's history. I had always just accepted that Dumbledore was unquestionably good and perfect, but of course JK showed us that no matter who it is, no one is perfect. I admit it, I did doubt him for a moment as the whole Grindelwald story came out but nonetheless, Dumbledore is just amazing.

Now to the thing that did annoy me - Fred's death. Why why why?! I'm not saying that this was the worse death out of the whole series, Sirius' death made me cry like mad, but it is the one that I just cannot accept. It seems so unnecessary. And the twins were always two of my favourite characters. I feel so bad for George! I just can't imagine one without the other.
I didn't think the epilogue was too bad. But by the time I read it I was so teary-eyed I could hardly read it properly anyway! I'm rereading the book now, at a much slower pace so that I can try to let everything sink in this time! Anyway, now that Harry Potter is finished, it feels like I'm saying goodbye to my childhood since I grew up with these books. I'm turning 18 next month, officially an adult! Its crazy. I feel like an old person haha. But yeah, I'm getting all nostalgic now! Sigh.

Okay, enough of my Deathly Hallows rant, I will now procede to post some icons that I made of the book. They are mostly quotes and others are just random snippets of my own :)

1-15 - Deathly Hallows text/quotes (May be spoilery if you haven't read it!)







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