stats & permissions;

Oct 11, 2010 23:02

Age: 20
Birthdate: September 20
Height: 177cm (5'8")
Weight: 65kg (143lbs)
Shoe size: 27.5cm
Blood Type: O

Medical Info: Pretty much healthy. He has a few fading scars here and there, but nothing serious. Although you might want to tell him that wearing sandals in the snow is a bad idea. Not that he'd listen.
Mental Info: SANE. He totally is sane. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. He's just eccentric, okay??

Likes: cluster-amaryllis (spider lily), collecting amulets/protective charms, tasty water (fresh water, flavored water), honey
Dislikes: easy popularity, enormous flowers

Specialties: being care-free, cat's cradle, selective hearing
Sword: White Gamon
Abilities: Raikou is skilled with the katana, having been trained in the weapon since he was a child. As part of the Shimizu clan and the World of Nabari, Raikou also received extensive training in other arts and weapons, and has a few ninja tricks or two up his sleeve (like sensing the presence of stalkers). Probably the only thing Raikou does best aside from his combat skills is making paper (Calligraphers are often surprised that a 20 year old makes remarkable quality paper), and Cat's cradle.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything at all.
Triggers: Ninjas, Ninja clans, the Shinrabansho, anything fashion-related, absolute justice, saving lives, STRAINED SIBLING RELATIONS, Gau being in danger, Gau being a hero, Gau in general

Mindread/Aura-sense: You don't want to read his mind.
Shapeshift/bodyswap: Sure, but give me a head's up before doing anything, mmkay?

Physical Contact: Hugging, brofisting, manly arm-draping, hand-holding-- why not. Just expect it to be returned (with innuendo)
Injure/Kill: Tip: Contact me first. I will likely agree as long as the situation is reasonable. Raikou WILL retaliate, however. And you don't want Gau chasing after you, seriously.
Romance/Sex: Any advances will likely be ignored due to being either a) oblivious, or b) not interested.

Threadjacking: Y
Backtagging: VERY Y
Fourth wall: Unless your canon actually breaks the fourth wall, N.

Anything else: COMMENT HERE AND I WILL GET BACK TO YOU ASAP. If it is reasonable enough, the answer would be most likely "okay let's do it!!!" But I would like it if you TELL ME ABOUT IT FIRST

* ooc

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